Monday, January 17, 2011

How to make a snow angel and save the whales On Martin Luther King Jr Day

How to make a Snow Angel by Angela McEwen <----- Click that shiz son

So have have been neglecting my CD collection because the internet is infinately vast and I just turn on to some myspace or youtbe and let rip some tunes. But lately I have been doing this random pick where I don't look I just grab a CD. And listen to it even if I don't even wanna listen to that music today. Today's random pick is:

Misfits: Legacy of Brutality

This I am totally stoked on and can't wait to do dishes to this LOL. I had lost it for a long time and I found it in this unmarked case.

Diet for a Cooler Planet
10 Quick Delish Recipes
10 US states for Clean Energy Leadership

I have decided that my cat Mo only loves me for my lap and my Temptations.
I have decided it can keep snowing as long as it likes I have a nifty new snow suit that is warmer than your moms vag.

I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul ~ Pablo Neruda

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment ~ Buddha

Oil giant plans new platform near feeding ground of critically endangered whale

So yesterday I had this argument with a woman about whales. Basically there is a petition going around to stop whaling in Iceland because whales are almost gone. What happen was this woman get offended that the petition was asking her country to stop when there were other countries out there doing the same thing. I tried to explain it wasn't about her country and that her country was bad it was that whaling needed to stop because whales are almost gone. This daft cunt actually said to me: "Well they are eating my fish." I told her to eat something else beside fish. She said: "Our laws allow us to kill our whales." I told her the fish nor the whales were property of any human alive. She said to me: "Well obviously you have never eaten whale it taste wonderful." I told her it tasted like endangered species. She asked me what she was supposed to eat besides fish and whales. I told her if she wants to eat fish find a sustainable way to do it or eat something else like one of the hundreds of thousands of different vegetables this planet grows. And the more I sit and think about all the bullshit that goes on in the world the more I wonder what this woman is going to feel like when they serve up her plate of fucking whale and smile at her and say congratulations madame please have the honor of eating the last whale. Will she busily dig in grinning ear to ear as she eats talking about the old days when they would hunt the thousands of whales a day! Or will she be like me uncontrollably sobbing heart broken and disgusted ready to start a murder spree on the fishers and consumers that did it. Grinning in jail ear to ear when the insane assholes are all gone.

But instead I asked her if she would like to find out about the endangered species of my country and help me stop my country from killing them. And I would find out about her country and the endangered animals there and how she could help her country from killing them. Maybe she could start to learn what it is really about. Maybe. I hope.

Facts about Endangered Species
Why are Blue Whales Endangered?
Endangered Whales in Canada... BUT WHY?

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