Saturday, January 22, 2011

divinity in all

I have lost perspective on the fake and the shams with the lies that lay before me I can do only but one thing: I can only walk forward with my heart held to the sun SCREAMING!!! "OUTSHINE OUTSHINE". I have lived like this many lives before this one. You have not swayed my soul from paths untold. You have not giving me reason to hate anything but ignorance and dispose of my malice. If you will not save the earth I shall save it without you. If you stand before me I shall SCREAM "OUTSHINE OUTSHINE" There isn't a soul, a heart, a life, world I have not fought for. There isn't a soul I would let suffer. There isn't a heart I would not mend. And I can. I can do that and more. I am human. You tell me over and over I am the most powerful creature this earth has ever seen! Then I shall show you all. I shall show you all how powerful my love for this earth, for you, for myself and for every speck of dust. I shall show you all. I shall love you harder than I did moments before. I shall love you more and more with every intake of air that you want full of toxic fumes. I will breathe them in for you. I will filter. I shall filter the hate and anger. I shall love and love till death shows me more light than suns from every system in this universe. The light of life will revolve around me and I shall explode for the universe. I will bang big. I will for you. I will for me. I will for us. I will. I will find it in me to filter out the hate and anger. I will find it in me to love you more. I will drag you kicking and screaming to heights you never thought you could reach. I will force you to be more than you ever thought you could. I will force you into the face of life and you will smile like a child when the worst hits you. For I will have taught you so well that you will enjoying the knowledge of never letting hate pass through you and never letting anger pass to another. I will teach you to selfishly hoard the greed in human hearts. I will teach you to take in every inch of lust in the flesh of men. I will teach you to eat away at the gluttony of the earth. I will teach you to stand fearlessly at the edge of wrath and fling yourself in it's rapid path of destruction. I will teach you to accept the envy of all that feel inadequate. All who know me will understand what life is without these veils. They will have reality into is gorgeous pristine joyous truth. You shall have death without fear and life without hate. One thought and you are free. I will be your paradigm shifting source of wonder. I will be your constant change for the better. I will be that for myself and I will sit through my life breathing into the universe love and enlightenment with nothing blocking what I am. I am perfect. I am the perfect creation of a creator I do not know or understand but trust with a faith so pure no man could make me fail it. You have no book my love. You have my rules to obey sewn into my dearest true love my dearest mother of mothers, my purest you have no anything but my love my defender of souls and creator of all. Every tree I worship in your name. Every blade of grass every molecule I bow too for you make it exist. You made me for no purpose other than to love, love and love more than I can fathom. So I shall. I am a vessel of love and I shall heal all that I touch with your love and light. I shall shine for you. I shall have the courage to shine for we are one my creator my whole life is because of you and for you I shall love you no matter the evils that befall. There is nothing more torturous than not loving you. So bring on the world and I will bask in the pains and suffering sponging it into my soul for no one to suffer. If Jesus be gone then I shall light the world. If Buddha Be gone then I shall liberate the souls. If the saints and good people of past be gone then I shall find the secrets of pure miracles. Let the miracles start now. Let the earth be spared from humanity's ignorance. If there be sin if there be karma if there be slates to be wiped clean, help me wipe them clean for us all. I lay down before you. That which I can not do alone I ask for help from all humanity. I ask for the co operation and a joining of hands of every human the abusers and the abused to let go of delusions the ignorant and the wise to embrace in a common goal of bailing this ship with wise choice and wise action. Will not all of you pledge this will not all of you cast off power and greed and lock down the beast that drives us into war and hate. Look at all things living as equal. See not animal tree bug human water air fire earth as something to manipulate with thoughts and creativity. Enjoy their nature. Enjoy the art of them as they are. As you are. As we all are. For nothing is more important that seeing the divinity in all.                                       

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