Saturday, January 22, 2011

Dancing Animals in Love shouldn't Fear the Reaper

In all the world there is only going to be one person that will love you non stop no matter what you do. That is a naive statement in itself very idealistic but it's true. And if you don't treat them properly you are going to fuck up that shot at real honest love. If you are a manipulative douche that teases and dangles carrots making people dance for you so that you feel good about yourself and more loved then you have lost the point of love and more over you will no doubt have lost that person in the end. People who social climb and use others to achieve goals as they climb there way to the top are destructive douche bags. I get really confused when I try and love people. There complex reactions to something so easy and simple and laid back. Its a little irritating. I wish people would just allow themselves to be loved and to love others and if they love me don't think it's so fucking complicated. It's not.

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