Click to see my new YOUTUBE
David Willis Glass
So I went for a nice walk and took some pictures I always feel so much better after a walk much more invigorated and free of the worries I had before I left.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
A day in the life of me
Up date on me. Well my tummy is being good and bad depends. I think that there is a bit of a something going around since before Christmas but... my Doctor thinks its an ulcer. Fine whatever I will heal it. In the meantime I am not allowed to stress. That is one of my laws in life anyway so I don't know how I got so stressed. Well I do. Since having to move back to this small town I don't have any friends to hang out with. Period none. Just the people in this building I live in. Which I love a lot. They are my lovely little angels. The little old lady down the hall Joyce is a hoot. We shoot the shit all the time. Amazing that I can relate to an 84 year old woman so well. But I know about life and so does she. But it can be a little stressful not having peers. Some happy to break up the grief I have been going through. My uncle passed away prior to Christmas and the little old man I had tea with and chatted with in the halls of my building everyday passed on Christmas day. That on top of I had to go to an "examinations for discovery" which is a thing prior to court to see if the defending party has any chance in hell to win the case against a jury. It was about me getting smoked by the car while riding my bike. But they don't just start in at the day of the accident. They start at "So where where you born?" And basically trace your life to that very day. And if anyone knows my life... it's sucked hard moose wang which set me off like a cannon. Plus I have been diligently helping out with my fave bands causes which align to my own that I have been working on as well. But waking up each day to trying to save the world was starting to really get to me as well. Crying about so many different things everyday and every morning waking up to tears was starting to blow monkey balls. So I have to get back into my happy dappy pappy clappy mode.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
divinity in all
I have lost perspective on the fake and the shams with the lies that lay before me I can do only but one thing: I can only walk forward with my heart held to the sun SCREAMING!!! "OUTSHINE OUTSHINE". I have lived like this many lives before this one. You have not swayed my soul from paths untold. You have not giving me reason to hate anything but ignorance and dispose of my malice. If you will not save the earth I shall save it without you. If you stand before me I shall SCREAM "OUTSHINE OUTSHINE" There isn't a soul, a heart, a life, world I have not fought for. There isn't a soul I would let suffer. There isn't a heart I would not mend. And I can. I can do that and more. I am human. You tell me over and over I am the most powerful creature this earth has ever seen! Then I shall show you all. I shall show you all how powerful my love for this earth, for you, for myself and for every speck of dust. I shall show you all. I shall love you harder than I did moments before. I shall love you more and more with every intake of air that you want full of toxic fumes. I will breathe them in for you. I will filter. I shall filter the hate and anger. I shall love and love till death shows me more light than suns from every system in this universe. The light of life will revolve around me and I shall explode for the universe. I will bang big. I will for you. I will for me. I will for us. I will. I will find it in me to filter out the hate and anger. I will find it in me to love you more. I will drag you kicking and screaming to heights you never thought you could reach. I will force you to be more than you ever thought you could. I will force you into the face of life and you will smile like a child when the worst hits you. For I will have taught you so well that you will enjoying the knowledge of never letting hate pass through you and never letting anger pass to another. I will teach you to selfishly hoard the greed in human hearts. I will teach you to take in every inch of lust in the flesh of men. I will teach you to eat away at the gluttony of the earth. I will teach you to stand fearlessly at the edge of wrath and fling yourself in it's rapid path of destruction. I will teach you to accept the envy of all that feel inadequate. All who know me will understand what life is without these veils. They will have reality into is gorgeous pristine joyous truth. You shall have death without fear and life without hate. One thought and you are free. I will be your paradigm shifting source of wonder. I will be your constant change for the better. I will be that for myself and I will sit through my life breathing into the universe love and enlightenment with nothing blocking what I am. I am perfect. I am the perfect creation of a creator I do not know or understand but trust with a faith so pure no man could make me fail it. You have no book my love. You have my rules to obey sewn into my dearest true love my dearest mother of mothers, my purest you have no anything but my love my defender of souls and creator of all. Every tree I worship in your name. Every blade of grass every molecule I bow too for you make it exist. You made me for no purpose other than to love, love and love more than I can fathom. So I shall. I am a vessel of love and I shall heal all that I touch with your love and light. I shall shine for you. I shall have the courage to shine for we are one my creator my whole life is because of you and for you I shall love you no matter the evils that befall. There is nothing more torturous than not loving you. So bring on the world and I will bask in the pains and suffering sponging it into my soul for no one to suffer. If Jesus be gone then I shall light the world. If Buddha Be gone then I shall liberate the souls. If the saints and good people of past be gone then I shall find the secrets of pure miracles. Let the miracles start now. Let the earth be spared from humanity's ignorance. If there be sin if there be karma if there be slates to be wiped clean, help me wipe them clean for us all. I lay down before you. That which I can not do alone I ask for help from all humanity. I ask for the co operation and a joining of hands of every human the abusers and the abused to let go of delusions the ignorant and the wise to embrace in a common goal of bailing this ship with wise choice and wise action. Will not all of you pledge this will not all of you cast off power and greed and lock down the beast that drives us into war and hate. Look at all things living as equal. See not animal tree bug human water air fire earth as something to manipulate with thoughts and creativity. Enjoy their nature. Enjoy the art of them as they are. As you are. As we all are. For nothing is more important that seeing the divinity in all.
I have lost perspective on the fake and the shams with the lies that lay before me I can do only but one thing: I can only walk forward with my heart held to the sun SCREAMING!!! "OUTSHINE OUTSHINE". I have lived like this many lives before this one. You have not swayed my soul from paths untold. You have not giving me reason to hate anything but ignorance and dispose of my malice. If you will not save the earth I shall save it without you. If you stand before me I shall SCREAM "OUTSHINE OUTSHINE" There isn't a soul, a heart, a life, world I have not fought for. There isn't a soul I would let suffer. There isn't a heart I would not mend. And I can. I can do that and more. I am human. You tell me over and over I am the most powerful creature this earth has ever seen! Then I shall show you all. I shall show you all how powerful my love for this earth, for you, for myself and for every speck of dust. I shall show you all. I shall love you harder than I did moments before. I shall love you more and more with every intake of air that you want full of toxic fumes. I will breathe them in for you. I will filter. I shall filter the hate and anger. I shall love and love till death shows me more light than suns from every system in this universe. The light of life will revolve around me and I shall explode for the universe. I will bang big. I will for you. I will for me. I will for us. I will. I will find it in me to filter out the hate and anger. I will find it in me to love you more. I will drag you kicking and screaming to heights you never thought you could reach. I will force you to be more than you ever thought you could. I will force you into the face of life and you will smile like a child when the worst hits you. For I will have taught you so well that you will enjoying the knowledge of never letting hate pass through you and never letting anger pass to another. I will teach you to selfishly hoard the greed in human hearts. I will teach you to take in every inch of lust in the flesh of men. I will teach you to eat away at the gluttony of the earth. I will teach you to stand fearlessly at the edge of wrath and fling yourself in it's rapid path of destruction. I will teach you to accept the envy of all that feel inadequate. All who know me will understand what life is without these veils. They will have reality into is gorgeous pristine joyous truth. You shall have death without fear and life without hate. One thought and you are free. I will be your paradigm shifting source of wonder. I will be your constant change for the better. I will be that for myself and I will sit through my life breathing into the universe love and enlightenment with nothing blocking what I am. I am perfect. I am the perfect creation of a creator I do not know or understand but trust with a faith so pure no man could make me fail it. You have no book my love. You have my rules to obey sewn into my dearest true love my dearest mother of mothers, my purest you have no anything but my love my defender of souls and creator of all. Every tree I worship in your name. Every blade of grass every molecule I bow too for you make it exist. You made me for no purpose other than to love, love and love more than I can fathom. So I shall. I am a vessel of love and I shall heal all that I touch with your love and light. I shall shine for you. I shall have the courage to shine for we are one my creator my whole life is because of you and for you I shall love you no matter the evils that befall. There is nothing more torturous than not loving you. So bring on the world and I will bask in the pains and suffering sponging it into my soul for no one to suffer. If Jesus be gone then I shall light the world. If Buddha Be gone then I shall liberate the souls. If the saints and good people of past be gone then I shall find the secrets of pure miracles. Let the miracles start now. Let the earth be spared from humanity's ignorance. If there be sin if there be karma if there be slates to be wiped clean, help me wipe them clean for us all. I lay down before you. That which I can not do alone I ask for help from all humanity. I ask for the co operation and a joining of hands of every human the abusers and the abused to let go of delusions the ignorant and the wise to embrace in a common goal of bailing this ship with wise choice and wise action. Will not all of you pledge this will not all of you cast off power and greed and lock down the beast that drives us into war and hate. Look at all things living as equal. See not animal tree bug human water air fire earth as something to manipulate with thoughts and creativity. Enjoy their nature. Enjoy the art of them as they are. As you are. As we all are. For nothing is more important that seeing the divinity in all.
Dancing Animals in Love shouldn't Fear the Reaper
In all the world there is only going to be one person that will love you non stop no matter what you do. That is a naive statement in itself very idealistic but it's true. And if you don't treat them properly you are going to fuck up that shot at real honest love. If you are a manipulative douche that teases and dangles carrots making people dance for you so that you feel good about yourself and more loved then you have lost the point of love and more over you will no doubt have lost that person in the end. People who social climb and use others to achieve goals as they climb there way to the top are destructive douche bags. I get really confused when I try and love people. There complex reactions to something so easy and simple and laid back. Its a little irritating. I wish people would just allow themselves to be loved and to love others and if they love me don't think it's so fucking complicated. It's not.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Traveling Like Hella
Sustainable Tourism
Solar Light Poised to Save Lives in the Environment
What is Sustainable Tourism?
Responsible Traveling
Sometimes I go overboard. OK scratch that. I am an extremist. My mother often said to me she didn't understand how I thought or why did certain things because I wouldn't just sit back and watch: if I liked something or someone or anything it became all consuming to me. My focus would become so pointed and sure that in almost an instant I was good at that new thing I liked or that person I liked was now a close personal friend who loved me intensely. So when it come to stuff like the environment as I find out more and more stuff on how to change for the better I don't just do it a little I do it the whole way. I stop, drop and roll around in the logic until the fires of ignorance are extinguished in my soul. Which means I have not traveled extensively. Because traveling is actually really bad for the environment not just the pocket book. Not that I actually have a pocket book much less the money to put in it LOL. Jokes. But yeah. I don't have enough money to cover my needs each month much less travel. But that is true across the board. No one has money these days so we buy cheap stuff that breaks and buy it again and again. So we never have money. And we buy little simple pleasures to keep us happy instead of saving up for a big nice trip to a nice country to escape the rut. But I think it is important to know how to travel if we are going to. We don't want to damage the areas we go to if they are remote. Most of us don't wanna be tourist we wanna go to a country and live like a local. So these are some hints from websites I found on how to travel just right. These will be here for me when I am rich and famous singer, poet, song writer, urban zen guru, tripped out tai chi master reiki healer transcendental goofball BMXer who gets asked to act in a sexy sexy movie with sexy sexy Jared Leto when we oopsadaisy fall in love and he will be be all like oh you are so independent and talented I cant' live with out you and your sexy sexy love and we start our Holistic Hospital for sick people and my veterinarian clinic and my own personal environmental action group that we fund to go out and stop the insanity kamikaze style and our art gallery and concert hall! LOL so apparently I need to be a billionaire. How does that work when you kinda hate money and all it's ridiculous complications? But the point of this is not money the point is I want to travel. Imma get me a mule named Buddy Rascal and a dog sled of loving huskey pups and take off.
OK so now it's time to dip into the CD collection and see what I pick!
Ok Today's random CD pick is: The Distillers~ Sing Sing Death House
I wanna give a shout out to my friend Shanon Norris. She is hella damn cool as hella damn cool can get and I love her to death.
OK I have to eat some breakfast aka lunch now. I will write more later.
Solar Light Poised to Save Lives in the Environment
What is Sustainable Tourism?
Responsible Traveling
Sometimes I go overboard. OK scratch that. I am an extremist. My mother often said to me she didn't understand how I thought or why did certain things because I wouldn't just sit back and watch: if I liked something or someone or anything it became all consuming to me. My focus would become so pointed and sure that in almost an instant I was good at that new thing I liked or that person I liked was now a close personal friend who loved me intensely. So when it come to stuff like the environment as I find out more and more stuff on how to change for the better I don't just do it a little I do it the whole way. I stop, drop and roll around in the logic until the fires of ignorance are extinguished in my soul. Which means I have not traveled extensively. Because traveling is actually really bad for the environment not just the pocket book. Not that I actually have a pocket book much less the money to put in it LOL. Jokes. But yeah. I don't have enough money to cover my needs each month much less travel. But that is true across the board. No one has money these days so we buy cheap stuff that breaks and buy it again and again. So we never have money. And we buy little simple pleasures to keep us happy instead of saving up for a big nice trip to a nice country to escape the rut. But I think it is important to know how to travel if we are going to. We don't want to damage the areas we go to if they are remote. Most of us don't wanna be tourist we wanna go to a country and live like a local. So these are some hints from websites I found on how to travel just right. These will be here for me when I am rich and famous singer, poet, song writer, urban zen guru, tripped out tai chi master reiki healer transcendental goofball BMXer who gets asked to act in a sexy sexy movie with sexy sexy Jared Leto when we oopsadaisy fall in love and he will be be all like oh you are so independent and talented I cant' live with out you and your sexy sexy love and we start our Holistic Hospital for sick people and my veterinarian clinic and my own personal environmental action group that we fund to go out and stop the insanity kamikaze style and our art gallery and concert hall! LOL so apparently I need to be a billionaire. How does that work when you kinda hate money and all it's ridiculous complications? But the point of this is not money the point is I want to travel. Imma get me a mule named Buddy Rascal and a dog sled of loving huskey pups and take off.
OK so now it's time to dip into the CD collection and see what I pick!
Ok Today's random CD pick is: The Distillers~ Sing Sing Death House
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There is a bomber with frost bite somewhere. |
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I wanna eat it so bad but I am scared of the disease the insane colours will give me. |
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This is where Jared and I will live. ;) |
I wanna give a shout out to my friend Shanon Norris. She is hella damn cool as hella damn cool can get and I love her to death.
OK I have to eat some breakfast aka lunch now. I will write more later.
Monday, January 17, 2011
How to make a snow angel and save the whales On Martin Luther King Jr Day
How to make a Snow Angel by Angela McEwen <----- Click that shiz son
So have have been neglecting my CD collection because the internet is infinately vast and I just turn on to some myspace or youtbe and let rip some tunes. But lately I have been doing this random pick where I don't look I just grab a CD. And listen to it even if I don't even wanna listen to that music today. Today's random pick is:
Misfits: Legacy of Brutality
This I am totally stoked on and can't wait to do dishes to this LOL. I had lost it for a long time and I found it in this unmarked case.
Diet for a Cooler Planet
10 Quick Delish Recipes
10 US states for Clean Energy Leadership
I have decided that my cat Mo only loves me for my lap and my Temptations.
I have decided it can keep snowing as long as it likes I have a nifty new snow suit that is warmer than your moms vag.
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul ~ Pablo Neruda
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment ~ Buddha
Oil giant plans new platform near feeding ground of critically endangered whale
So yesterday I had this argument with a woman about whales. Basically there is a petition going around to stop whaling in Iceland because whales are almost gone. What happen was this woman get offended that the petition was asking her country to stop when there were other countries out there doing the same thing. I tried to explain it wasn't about her country and that her country was bad it was that whaling needed to stop because whales are almost gone. This daft cunt actually said to me: "Well they are eating my fish." I told her to eat something else beside fish. She said: "Our laws allow us to kill our whales." I told her the fish nor the whales were property of any human alive. She said to me: "Well obviously you have never eaten whale it taste wonderful." I told her it tasted like endangered species. She asked me what she was supposed to eat besides fish and whales. I told her if she wants to eat fish find a sustainable way to do it or eat something else like one of the hundreds of thousands of different vegetables this planet grows. And the more I sit and think about all the bullshit that goes on in the world the more I wonder what this woman is going to feel like when they serve up her plate of fucking whale and smile at her and say congratulations madame please have the honor of eating the last whale. Will she busily dig in grinning ear to ear as she eats talking about the old days when they would hunt the thousands of whales a day! Or will she be like me uncontrollably sobbing heart broken and disgusted ready to start a murder spree on the fishers and consumers that did it. Grinning in jail ear to ear when the insane assholes are all gone.
But instead I asked her if she would like to find out about the endangered species of my country and help me stop my country from killing them. And I would find out about her country and the endangered animals there and how she could help her country from killing them. Maybe she could start to learn what it is really about. Maybe. I hope.
Facts about Endangered Species
Why are Blue Whales Endangered?
Endangered Whales in Canada... BUT WHY?
So have have been neglecting my CD collection because the internet is infinately vast and I just turn on to some myspace or youtbe and let rip some tunes. But lately I have been doing this random pick where I don't look I just grab a CD. And listen to it even if I don't even wanna listen to that music today. Today's random pick is:
Misfits: Legacy of Brutality
This I am totally stoked on and can't wait to do dishes to this LOL. I had lost it for a long time and I found it in this unmarked case.
Diet for a Cooler Planet
10 Quick Delish Recipes
10 US states for Clean Energy Leadership
I have decided that my cat Mo only loves me for my lap and my Temptations.
I have decided it can keep snowing as long as it likes I have a nifty new snow suit that is warmer than your moms vag.
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul ~ Pablo Neruda
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment ~ Buddha
Oil giant plans new platform near feeding ground of critically endangered whale
So yesterday I had this argument with a woman about whales. Basically there is a petition going around to stop whaling in Iceland because whales are almost gone. What happen was this woman get offended that the petition was asking her country to stop when there were other countries out there doing the same thing. I tried to explain it wasn't about her country and that her country was bad it was that whaling needed to stop because whales are almost gone. This daft cunt actually said to me: "Well they are eating my fish." I told her to eat something else beside fish. She said: "Our laws allow us to kill our whales." I told her the fish nor the whales were property of any human alive. She said to me: "Well obviously you have never eaten whale it taste wonderful." I told her it tasted like endangered species. She asked me what she was supposed to eat besides fish and whales. I told her if she wants to eat fish find a sustainable way to do it or eat something else like one of the hundreds of thousands of different vegetables this planet grows. And the more I sit and think about all the bullshit that goes on in the world the more I wonder what this woman is going to feel like when they serve up her plate of fucking whale and smile at her and say congratulations madame please have the honor of eating the last whale. Will she busily dig in grinning ear to ear as she eats talking about the old days when they would hunt the thousands of whales a day! Or will she be like me uncontrollably sobbing heart broken and disgusted ready to start a murder spree on the fishers and consumers that did it. Grinning in jail ear to ear when the insane assholes are all gone.
But instead I asked her if she would like to find out about the endangered species of my country and help me stop my country from killing them. And I would find out about her country and the endangered animals there and how she could help her country from killing them. Maybe she could start to learn what it is really about. Maybe. I hope.
Facts about Endangered Species
Why are Blue Whales Endangered?
Endangered Whales in Canada... BUT WHY?
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Time is all we have and it's really short. Our fingers are full of sand that is tumbling as we hope and hope with little to no idea how to go about making our hopes come true. I am trying to maintain my morals and ethics and reach my goals and it doesn't work. I don't know what to do sometimes. I have to sit down and get my act together. But some days I just don't care. Sometimes I feel like I have to have someone to do it for. A friend. A family member. A lover. Oh damn. Yeah. A lover I would do anything for. Damn.
But most of the time I can't find any real defining reason to do anything but meditate to find enlightenment. Everything else seems so unimportant: besides cultivating compassion. I wanna sing to people and heal them. I wanna tootle around on my bike and learn how to grow stuff in a garden and make things from that food I grow. Yet I have so many outside sources of information telling me to do so many other things. Like I am missing out on life if I don't and not experiencing this and that. I wouldn't mind having a little electric car. Tootling about from gig to gig in that singing to people. Meditating doing tai chi singing giving out reiki to people visiting hospitals planting a tree each place I go. Wouldn't that be nice? I could have people follow me in their electric cars and we could caravan about singing and dancing and planting trees and meditating and riding bikes helping sick people giving aid to the animals: whatever just being a caravan of really nice chill people that like to listen to me entertain them. Nothing wrong with that dream. I like it. I could have a nice little wood free home in the forest that people could come and visit me at and I could put on art shows and have a little farm and garden that fed me. Nothing wrong with that dream. I could get many people to enjoy that. I could do that. I wouldn't need to make a CD I would just have my music on the internet from Itunes. Then I wouldn't be making waste. Just music. And I could get really well known and my fans would all be super chill peeps with lots of heart. They would love my music and my voice and loving the healing and the reiki and they would want to do tai chi with me and meditate. And then I could go practice tai chi with that tai chi master I want to practice with that would be awesome. That would be my little Beatles go to India thing. Then I would take all my caravan to sick countries that needed help and we would help them. We would be very good people that did very good things for the planet and people and animals. My live should would be so spectacular. Everyone would be astounded. I would do all this and nothing would ever go wrong and everyone would all be happy because that's my vision. Just being a nice chill person that sings and helps and blows peoples minds with my music. Thats all I wanted. Thats all I ever wanted. I wonder. If I could change the world like that? Perhaps.
But most of the time I can't find any real defining reason to do anything but meditate to find enlightenment. Everything else seems so unimportant: besides cultivating compassion. I wanna sing to people and heal them. I wanna tootle around on my bike and learn how to grow stuff in a garden and make things from that food I grow. Yet I have so many outside sources of information telling me to do so many other things. Like I am missing out on life if I don't and not experiencing this and that. I wouldn't mind having a little electric car. Tootling about from gig to gig in that singing to people. Meditating doing tai chi singing giving out reiki to people visiting hospitals planting a tree each place I go. Wouldn't that be nice? I could have people follow me in their electric cars and we could caravan about singing and dancing and planting trees and meditating and riding bikes helping sick people giving aid to the animals: whatever just being a caravan of really nice chill people that like to listen to me entertain them. Nothing wrong with that dream. I like it. I could have a nice little wood free home in the forest that people could come and visit me at and I could put on art shows and have a little farm and garden that fed me. Nothing wrong with that dream. I could get many people to enjoy that. I could do that. I wouldn't need to make a CD I would just have my music on the internet from Itunes. Then I wouldn't be making waste. Just music. And I could get really well known and my fans would all be super chill peeps with lots of heart. They would love my music and my voice and loving the healing and the reiki and they would want to do tai chi with me and meditate. And then I could go practice tai chi with that tai chi master I want to practice with that would be awesome. That would be my little Beatles go to India thing. Then I would take all my caravan to sick countries that needed help and we would help them. We would be very good people that did very good things for the planet and people and animals. My live should would be so spectacular. Everyone would be astounded. I would do all this and nothing would ever go wrong and everyone would all be happy because that's my vision. Just being a nice chill person that sings and helps and blows peoples minds with my music. Thats all I wanted. Thats all I ever wanted. I wonder. If I could change the world like that? Perhaps.
All the Single Ladies
There is a lot of stuff that goes through my head on a daily basis. I am sure that is the same with most of us. The things that I went through growing up shaped a lot of my thinking and belief systems. But so did simple observations and the logical deductions that came from them. From that I have become what I believe to be a very wonderful person with a big heart though not always oriented towards putting up with peoples delusions. I work very hard at riding myself of delusions and if I can't at least naming what they are and if they are not hurtful i.e. having crushes on movie stars and rock stars, then just enjoying them. My path to the creating the least amount of suffering for the entire planet as a whole has lead me down what some might think is a lonely path. I must admit sometimes it's difficult to live like I do because part of it is not by choice and part of it is. Things like moving a great deal when I was child with my parents were not my choice. It left me never having any long term friendships or romantic relationships. Being an only child that compounded a lot of just learning to be alone without actually being lonely. That along with seeing the way society was operating, level of suffering of humanity as a whole, divorced parents, the state of the environment, our burgeoning lack of food due to capitalism and ignorant farming techniques and threat of wars: well it lead me down the path of being a single lady with no kids. I have been called many things for my belief system and looked down on for not wanting to follow suit on the social norms or be in a relationship that wasn't right for me just based on needing to be loved. The world basically ignores and makes fun of single childless women as if we don't know what we are missing. I would be insulted if I actually cared. I find solace in my logic and my ability to actually love myself and be happy without the need for outside sources creating it. I feel I have created more life on this planet by not creating life in my womb. The earth is my mother and my child. I baby her and I love her. She is my truest love and I worship the ground I walk on. She made me a special type of bisexual, she mad me beautiful and she made me love her with her constant feeding me and keeping me warm with her perfect position from the sun. I love her for making me wonderful friends in all forms of trees, animals and people. I love her elements and her spirit. She is a living being that I adore. She is Mother Earth and she has a fever right now from a virus called humanity. She is getting warmer and warming trying to kill off the germs we are because of our ignorant actions and naive self-centeredness. And it's really hard for me to see the being I love most in the world go through what she is going through. So forgive me if your hurt feelings don't phase me. I wish they were not hurt. But all forms of naive behavior goes through a period of trying to defend the actions claiming what needs to be claimed to hold on to old ways before rock bottom forces us to see the truth in what we are doing. After every invention of birth control we have come up with from removing uterus', tying tubes, snipping tubes, spermicides, condoms, pills, diaphragms, planning and the knowledge the humans are killing everything in our path to make way for more of us, we continue to spew out babies like it's a fiesta. To me, it's kinda disgusting to think about. More than disgusting. Put every horny man unwilling to have a vasectomy in one room and every woman on the planet that is pregnant and or giving birth in a room across from them lets watch this lovely miraculous moment shall we? To me it looks more like a disgusting species multiplying like other organisms that have life spans of 24 hours. But we are not here for 24 hours we are here for at the very least 50 years and at the most 120. And in that time we as the only species that produces garbage will demand rights and food and housing and everything else that we do not afford every other spices on this planet. All so you can look longingly into someones eyes in hopes that they one day look up at you and say: I LOVE YOU.
Well let me help. I LOVE YOU! I love you more than anything. but you probably don't believe that. You probably don't believe that I am not having children for your sake and your children's sake and so on. So before you don't want a friend like me because I called our species naive perhaps you should just calm down and think about why I might be doing this and why you might be upset. Your mistake is going to mow through more animals planets and garbage than my hurting your feelings so you could live your over indulgent life.
Well let me help. I LOVE YOU! I love you more than anything. but you probably don't believe that. You probably don't believe that I am not having children for your sake and your children's sake and so on. So before you don't want a friend like me because I called our species naive perhaps you should just calm down and think about why I might be doing this and why you might be upset. Your mistake is going to mow through more animals planets and garbage than my hurting your feelings so you could live your over indulgent life.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Thus Far: What would it be like if EVERYONE Cared?
Wow what would it be like if everyone cared. If everyone put maximum effort into making sure that every animal planet bug and humans needs were met? That's kinda boggling to think about. It's something I think i might go over board on trying to do all the time for others. But then again... what if we all do? What if we all really met each others needs daily? That would be amazing. What if we all really honestly loved so hard it was like double rainbows everyday. Well each day we can do a little something even if we are not int he best mood or don't have money or just don't understand how to help more than the small bit that we did. Tell people about stuff that is going on in the world that we need to know about.
Musings for my muse: If the sun was setting on the last day of my life and I was thinking of anything it would be of you. Either because I would have wanted you to be there or because you were. I can't imagine you in my life or out of it. It's perplexing. I am so tortured by love that goes completely unrequited so often. I feel bound by a drawer an artist that is doodling out my life and I have no control. If only I did.
- Discovered: Biggest ever black hole that is so big it could swallow our ENTIRE solar system
- London's Bike Superhighways Bring 70% Increase in Cycling
- In Haiti, Corporations Profit While People Suffer
- Stop Global Warming
- Get your MASTERS in Global Environmental Change
- Click to Donate FOR FREE!
- Tell The U.S To Leave The Whales Alone And Stop The Japanese And Not Sea Shepherd!
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Anyone want a BJ? |
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How? I want one but how? |
Musings for my muse: If the sun was setting on the last day of my life and I was thinking of anything it would be of you. Either because I would have wanted you to be there or because you were. I can't imagine you in my life or out of it. It's perplexing. I am so tortured by love that goes completely unrequited so often. I feel bound by a drawer an artist that is doodling out my life and I have no control. If only I did.
Thus Far: 1
There is a lot of stuff going on in the world today. It's hard to know where you head is at sometimes. Most of the time we can get pretty damn down in the dumps trying to cope. It's important to remember that there is more good stuff going on in the world today than not so just buck up and follow your heart and follow my blog and lets just have some fun y'all. You are going to come to find that I love 30 Seconds to Mars more than the average bear.This is me many pictures of me. Lots. And the back ground music is that of a cover done by 30 Seconds to Mars.
It wasn't in my head at the beginning it just started small and grew into an addiction. You were always in the back of my mind hovering like a light stunned bug getting ever closer to it's doom. I am so close to you now I feel doomed to love you forever. I can't stop staring at your light. Its a spark in my heart that is now a volcano and I can't stop spewing love everywhere hot destructive love. you were my muse and now you are my life. You inspired me now you engulf me. I can't think straight its amazing. Like the thought of you blankets all other things. Nothing seems as important as wonderful as stunning as tempting. Every thought is a feeling that drives me forward to create your comfort your hopes and your dreams. Love you curious thing I can't stand it give me more something to live off of for a while anything.
7 ways sex makes you look great
"If we have a positive mental attitude, then even when surrounded by hostility, we shall not lack inner peace." ~ Dalai Lama
Once a long time ago I was pretty much homeless. All I had was my bike my guitar and my crap ass laptop from the 90's. I was Wondering around Windsor and I went into a vinyl shop. I found a signed copy of Dreaming by Blondie. I went back to the store everyday to hold that thing. I didn't have money to buy it or a place to keep it. I just visited it everyday till I headed out of town.
This was recorded on my birthday and this is the man that will change your life and how you see everything. John Halcyon Styn. He is very wise very sweet and super sexy.
It wasn't in my head at the beginning it just started small and grew into an addiction. You were always in the back of my mind hovering like a light stunned bug getting ever closer to it's doom. I am so close to you now I feel doomed to love you forever. I can't stop staring at your light. Its a spark in my heart that is now a volcano and I can't stop spewing love everywhere hot destructive love. you were my muse and now you are my life. You inspired me now you engulf me. I can't think straight its amazing. Like the thought of you blankets all other things. Nothing seems as important as wonderful as stunning as tempting. Every thought is a feeling that drives me forward to create your comfort your hopes and your dreams. Love you curious thing I can't stand it give me more something to live off of for a while anything.
7 ways sex makes you look great
"If we have a positive mental attitude, then even when surrounded by hostility, we shall not lack inner peace." ~ Dalai Lama
Once a long time ago I was pretty much homeless. All I had was my bike my guitar and my crap ass laptop from the 90's. I was Wondering around Windsor and I went into a vinyl shop. I found a signed copy of Dreaming by Blondie. I went back to the store everyday to hold that thing. I didn't have money to buy it or a place to keep it. I just visited it everyday till I headed out of town.
This was recorded on my birthday and this is the man that will change your life and how you see everything. John Halcyon Styn. He is very wise very sweet and super sexy.
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This is the first Strawberry Shortcake I ever got. |
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This is a very very very nice looking penis on a very very nice looking man. |
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This is the Dalai Lama doing his first internet meeting with Chinese Diplomats. |
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Everyone needs to dress like this for world peace. |
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This is the perfect body of Jared Leto. I am delusional overthis wonderful man. |
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