Friday, November 25, 2011

That's fucking disgusting. Those ass holes better be in solitary confinement, and you better visit them every day to make sure theyre lives are miserable

No they are out now. They threatened to kill me too and had biker gangs after me. Hand shot guns to peoples heads and so forth. IT was a very life altering and damaging event. It destroyed my life pretty much. I have very bad war level simple and complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from it.

And I don't ever want to look at those men ever again for the rest of my life. I hope they changed. Because ever dream and hope I had died with that event. I am trying to rebuild still to this day and it was quite a few years ago now.

Ask me anything

no plzzz dont block me ive been blocked by 6 people now, my acct is getting deactivated in 2 days unless you unblock me. PLZ I BEG YOU. and i am not a poor excuse for life plz dont say that

So you are saying I should have compassion on you when you didn't have compassion on me and felt the need to lower yourself to such a disgusting level that people don't want to be around you? Let me ask you a question. Why do you hate yourself so much that you wouldn't want to make friends by being a wonderful courageous soul who fights for peoples rights and hopes for their dreams to come true?

Ask me anything

Was that story just to scare him, or true?

It was true.

Ask me anything

If you won a million dollars what would you do with it?

Buy a little house invest some and then give tons to charities.

Ask me anything

Who do you think should be the next president of the United States?

Ellen Degeneres

Ask me anything

What was your worst travel experience?

hmmmm Anything to do with BMX BMXers are fucking morons and work really hard to make stupid things happen so they have retarded stories to tell people. So you end up having the worst time ever because everyone is acting like twats and fucking up everyone's good time.

Ask me anything

What's your favorite drink?

I think it's Aloe Vera Juice. That shit is awesome.

Ask me anything

Do you believe there's intelligent life on other planets?

There isn't any here I don't give other planets much credit either.

Ask me anything

What cartoon did you last watch?

A Tinkerbell movie.

Ask me anything

What is your first memory?

Being on the change table.

Ask me anything

wtf btch u made two guys bleed and spend their life in jail?

They punched stabbed and kicked the blood out of my friend all over the room onto me and themselves taking turns jumping on his head and seeing if they could get the blood to hit the ceiling. You are now blocked.

Ask me anything

why is that funny bitch? how can a kick from a GIRL hurt a GUY?

Like I said... you are easily blocked. Thanks for coming out. Maybe your next life you won't be a total sexist biggot. But for now you are the lowest excuse for a man or even a species there is. Work on it. It's a terrible feeling to know that a person is full of hate and ignorance when you know what good they could be doing in the world.

Ask me anything

What happened to the two guys that tried to kill your friend?

They were found five days later by the cops still covered in blood from head to toe bragging to their friends that they killed a man. They went to jail.

Ask me anything

but im a guy. how can kicking hurt?

Wow. So funny.

Ask me anything

If one of the haters tried to attack you and you trolled them so bad they went and killed themselves, would you feel bad? Because looking back on some of your posts, thats probably what happened with that one kid haha

May the blessings of elves men and all good folk be upon you. Go now to Mordor.

Ask me anything

Ya right btchh if i entered ur house u cudnt kick the shit out of me cuz im a guy

I kicked the shit out of two guys. You don't know me so don't assume anything about me. And try and understand something even more simple you are easily blocked so don't come off like your some cooler than cool douche.

Ask me anything

Does a person's Nature have a bearing on his/her Character?

Yes. Of course. Hormones in men differ from women they are more aggressive and have different sex drives. However there are 7 mil people in the world there are variations down the board of what your hormones make you do. After that it's DNA and then after that it's what you are taught.

Ask me anything

Do you love to share what you have?

Yes. Of course. What is the use of having anything if you do not share it.

Ask me anything

Are you generous?

I don't have much to give away but what I have I part with easily. I have NO money at all ever but what money I spend I will gladly spend on friends if it's needed. My time I would give to any soul who enjoyed my company or needed my help.

Ask me anything

Whats on your mind at this moment?

The usual. How to make the world a place that has less suffering. Little cute animals. How to cheer up Maleek. And How much I am in love with Jared Leto.

Ask me anything

IF one of these haters tried to rob your house what would you do?

I have already had two men break into my home and try to murder my housemate and bestfriend. So I would assume I would do the same as I did in that incident and try and kick the living shit out of them till they leave if they were trying to kill anyone. If they were just taking stuff. I wouldn't really give a shit as long as they left me food and my bed and didn't hurt me or my cats. I could care less I have had nothing in the past and it wasn't bothersome. Things come and go. If they need stuff or money that badly I will help them carry it the fuck out of my house.

Ask me anything

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Ask me anything

What makes you feel the happiest?

Jared Leto.

Ask me anything

Who's the most overrated athlete?

Anyone who plays golf. Golf is not a sport. ITS A GAME!

Ask me anything

Do you believe in God?


Ask me anything

What high-paying job would you most like to have?


Ask me anything

What kind of clothes do you feel most comfortable wearing?

Angie is comfy in comfy clothes.

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

Hahaha youre torturing this hating kid below me.

Did someone say torture? CUMMING!!!

Ask me anything

Plz stop trolling me u fukin btch u make me wanna rot in a cell I Cnt take it

Well you make me wanna pukk and roll in it naked. Care to join me?

Ask me anything

STop plzzz take me serious I can't stand u. U can't just joke around about this I don't wanna rot in a fukin cell

You could draw stick people on the wall. I say you beam back to Mars. They are sending a ship there tonight. Just don't sell drugs there when you get there.

Ask me anything

What's the most delicious meal you've ever had?

Lasagna at The Grand Experience in Lindsy ON.

Ask me anything

What cartoon did you last watch?

A lego one. It was cooool.

Ask me anything

What celebrity would play you in a movie about your life?

Probably Bart Cubbins.

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

Who's the sexiest man alive?

Bart Cubbins

Ask me anything

What TV show makes you laugh?

I love Adventure time and Big Bang Theory

Ask me anything

Shut up btch plz help me im poor nd I mite go to jail for 11 years for selling drugs plzz help

Unicorns don't sell drugs. 11 is a lucky number.

Ask me anything

I'm not a troll ya weaklling

then you are a unicorn

Ask me anything

Ur weakk btchhh u can't fightt

Hi Troll :)

Ask me anything

Is it true that most guys don't like to be a girls first?

I wouldn't know. Maybe you should ask a guy.

Ask me anything

Can you do whatever you want to? Are you sure?

I can yes. I have learned that I can do impossible things.

Ask me anything

Do you ever ask Google what time it is somewhere?

Yeah sometimes. Not often though.

Ask me anything

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Who's the most talented person you know?


Ask me anything

What would you do on a perfect date?

I would pick up Jared Leto in a slick electric car and we would go to a nice vegan restaurant for lunch then to an art museum so we could wander around and hold hands and look at art and then dinner at a drive in movie so we could make out in the back seat. Then go for a midnight dip in a pool and then make sweet sweet sugar cookies all night long.

Ask me anything

If you could go on vacation for the next month with an unlimited budget, where would you go?

I would go to the tiger monastery and stay there and take care of tigers and then I would go find the rhino sanctuaries. Then I would go to bali and live in a tree house and surf. And then I would go to the Reiki Schools and study reiki and then to meet Lama Donedrup the tai chi master and study with him.

Ask me anything

What is the craziest thing you would like to do before you die?

Tour around the world on the wings of my music career.

Ask me anything

What's one of your earliest memories?

being a baby on the change table.

Ask me anything

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Ask me anything

What's your favorite store?

I really like Clares. And Winners.

Ask me anything

What is meaning hard money lenders?

Wouldn't know. I don't borrow money.

Ask me anything

Do you lead an interesting life? What makes you think so?

Not right now no. Right now I live a life of a person in transition from injury and loss of everything to with any luck and hard work a person who has created a wonderful life fore herself and all those I come in contact with.

Ask me anything

What is the last thing you would think would happen to you?

I would get hit by a meteor and grow wings and a tail.

Ask me anything

What would it take for you to stand up for yourself?

I always stand up for myself. When people are treating me like crap what they don't know is I just really sit there and feel terrible for them. It must be awful to feel like they would have to make someone stand up for themselves.\ to go to such lengths as to figure out ways to make a person jump through hoops for them or belittle them. What a shame for them. What an absolute shame for them to be so utterly lacking in moral fiber.

Ask me anything

Who do you feel you have learned the most from in life?

My mother of course. She has taught me everything and still does.

Ask me anything

When would you feel like somebody is trying to save face?

Wow. People never need to save face around me. Anyone can make whatever mistakes they want around me and I will be the one standing there helping them figure out how to fix it all and carry on. No one would ever have to save face around me. I mean for anything. As long as they are truely honestly willing to not just try but to actually be an amazing person from that point on.

Ask me anything

Did you get caught in bed?

Having sex? Not that I know of.

Ask me anything

What are the traits you desire in a Partner?

I like sexy people. I like it when people are sexually confidant. But not vulgar. I don't like slut traits I like sexual confidence. Take no shit kinda people who know what they want. Other than that I like what everyone else likes. Good sense of humor trust worthy problem solvers hard working really good looking compassionate super talented driven and artistic. All those good traits.

Ask me anything

What do you feel people should express more often?

Their True feelings. I feel like people are so guarded that even after years they won't just admit to thinking and feeling certain ways to fit in. I don't know. I think people should be more sexually free too. I mean not sexual vulgar like turning every fucking thing into an inuendo but be able to have conversations about stuff they like sexually and not be freaked out. They would find better partners that way. I have never thought of sex as dirty. That's for people who are brainwashed.

Ask me anything

Monday, November 21, 2011

What is your favorite supernatural creature?

Unicorn. Cuz I am one.

Ask me anything

What did you dream about last night?

I dreamed that everyone was in the olden days. There was a nanny a woman I didn't know but everyone had a tattoo on their upper pectoral near their shoulder with the date of their death written on it. Everyone was given a random date when they were born and on that date they would be euthanized. The nanny lady in my dream was soon to be euthanized and we were trying to save her.

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

What do you think of guys with shaved heads? Hot or not?

I don't know why this has perplexed me so much right now. LOL

I myself have shaved my head and had so many compliments on how stunning I looked.

I like so many different styles its so hard to say I think that is why I can't come up with a hot or not answer because what is hot to me isn't so much the style of the hair or clothes the person wears but how they wear it and the person rocking it.

I am not going to go full out and say I ma souly sold on personality I like a stunning man like the next girl... but he can shave his head or rock a mullet and I will date him no matter what if his heart is gold.

I would have to see what you look like to be able to answer this honestly because shaved is not for everyone. Every really hot people can look a little messed up with a shaved head.

But then you shave the head of someone who is very unique looking and all of a sudden they are even more stunning than you could have imagined.

You do whatever you want.

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

What's the stupidest rule you have ever heard?

Most rules are stupid. I think human should be allowed to go about things any which way they want so more people die of stupidity.

Ask me anything

What do you get out of living in the past?

a crook in the the neck.

Ask me anything

What do you think is causing your success?

I am successful? At what? Right now I suck long hard moose cock at everything I do.

Ask me anything

What is something that should never be taken seriously?

Most things are taken far more seriously then they should be and they cause issues that create situations that we need to take seriously which is the circle of stupidity that I try to avoid.

Joan Rivers. That's a thing not to take serious.

Ask me anything

Did you ever learn the art of diplomacy?

"The art and practice of conducting negotiations between nations."
I am more than skilled at creating atmospheres of diplomacy. I don't know if its something I learned or if it is a skill I had within me but I have a finely tuned diplomatic instrument playing songs of love and peace through me at all times.

Ask me anything

What is your favorite type of sandwich?

Veggy Bacon and tomato sandwich.

Ask me anything

Sunday, November 20, 2011

If you could look like anybody, who would it be?

I don't know I never thought about who more like what. I would love to look like an elf fairy.

Ask me anything

What message would you want to put in a fortune cookie?

I believe in you.

Ask me anything

What flower do you think is the prettiest?


Ask me anything

What musical instrument would you most like to be able to play?


Ask me anything

If you could have a super power, what would it be?

Ability to make anyone elated with joy and completely free from pain.

Ask me anything

What genre of movie do you prefer?

Animated, Kung Fu, Vampire, Comedy.

Ask me anything

What is your dream job?

Rock Star or Grandmaster Witch.

Ask me anything

What's the best gift you've ever given?


Ask me anything

Do you believe in luck?

Yes. It's an element unto itself.

Ask me anything

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?


Ask me anything

What video game have you played the most?

Old school Donkey Kong.

Ask me anything

If you could instantly become fluent in another language, which language would you pick?

Japanese and French

Ask me anything

What was the worst movie you've ever seen?

Ninja Enforcer. I used to love really bad kung fu movies. It was a thing I had. I am over that.

Ask me anything

Upon what kind of bed do you sleep?

a pillow top bed with a memory foam topper.

Ask me anything

If you had to change your hair color, what color would you choose?

cotton candy pink

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

What are you looking forward to today?

Jared. Same as always.

Ask me anything

What was the last thing you slipped on?

I wouldn't know I don't slip very often.

Ask me anything

How often do you correctly predict the future?

I get it right about 89 percent of the time. The other times I don't know the out come of the predictions for any given reason to know weather I was correct.

Ask me anything

Do you have a magnifying mirror? What do you use it for?

Yes and I don't use it.

Ask me anything

If you lost everything you had, possessions, job, house, friends and family. Where would you go? What would you do and why?

If I lost everything I would have to go to the government or a hospital. Loosing everything is not as terrifying as people think in this day and age if you live in a first world country. Now I don't know if a first world person would know what to do in the cases of some of these people in 3 world countries. I am assuming they would die.

I would go to a hospital because they have everything there that people need.

Ask me anything

Do you agree that mean, rude, bullies and people who wants to see people suffer lacks the feeling of true love?

No I think they they have issues with power. I don't think anyone lacks love but I think there are things they like more than it. Power is seductive and feels very wonderful. More wonderful than love for some.

Ask me anything

Saturday, November 19, 2011

What celebrity do you look like?

I don't think I look like the people that those webpages that compare you look like. But they say I look like some super model and clare danes the most. I think I look more like that chick that played the witch elf in lord of the rings and I will be fucked if I can remember her name right this minute.

Ask me anything

Who was the greatest mad scientist of all time in your opinion? What makes them the greatest and why do you think they're mad?

The Curries come to mind simply because they were so determined to study Uranium that they died.

The guy that studied the digestive system was pretty wild too. He had a soldier who had a wound in his stomach that wouldn't heal or something like that and he was dropping meat into that wound. That's kind gross.

I think all the guys that worked on the A bombs were fucked in the head.

They guys creating anti matter these days are a mess.

Ask me anything

How can one tell whether or not his or her heart is in the right place?

That's easy. There is an honest feeling that overwhelms a good souled intention. It feels like floating and open and like a deep breath of fresh air. When you are doing something good you feel free.

When you are ill intentioned you feel a panic about you. A franticness and a heightened vigilance to reactions to the person you are not treating with purity.

Daily I think to myself stuff like How could someone like Jared know the difference between people who would use him and people who would love him...

Then I think I don't think anyone really totally can.

Then I think stuff like what would I do to prove I would never hurt him or use him or something...

I think the only thing I could do was to walk away and never come back into his life and just love him from afar like so many do send him love and reiki.

But I made a promise. So I can't even do that.

Other than that I think it just comes to tying a rock around their neck and throwing them in the water and see if they float.

Ask me anything

What is something people often have a hard time keeping to themselves or keeping secret?

I don't know. I am the best secret keeper because I couldn't care less about knowing shit that is all secret so I just like as soon as someone says keep this a secret I just say something like dude don't even tell me or if they need to tell me I just sorta faze out cuz secrets are sorta pointless to me. LIke yeah a birthday party whatever but like gossip shit I could care less about to the degree that I mostly like walk away from that shit. Stuff that people don't want people to know about they never tell. They would never tell a soul ever if it was a true secret. Real secrets are because they are too powerful for many unwise humans to know or because they are very bad. Anything of real wonder and true amazement and good in this world should be shared to the enth degree.

But let me see something that people have a hard time keeping to themselves is good news.

Jealous people gossip and spread rumors and lies.

Ask me anything

Friday, November 18, 2011

Ask me anything

Do you make your own Christmas decorations?

no I find old school ones.

Ask me anything

Are the simplest statements usually the truest of all?

Sometimes not always. Things are never black and white

Ask me anything

Why do you sleep alot when your sick?

Yes. I am a bed bug.

Ask me anything

Does your happiness depend on others?

On a superficial level and to some degree on a deeper level yes. But when you really examine what happiness is you find that it is subject to the likes and dislikes of people. on a very deep level happiness and or love which are aspects of each other are all there is and anything other than that are divations from the norm of happy an in love. But if a person doesn't want ot be happy they won't be.

Ask me anything

What's the best party that you have been to?

My 30 birthday I thought I would be partying with BMX pros from around the world and rockstars... instead I was standing beside a women who had not walked in 7 years from having MS disease while I gently held her hand to walk her to her and myself to our birthday cakes. I wished my whole life for the most kickass 30th birthday that blew doors on everything I even prayed for it. I never knew that is what I would later come to understand was the most kickass thing ever and there wasn't a rockstar in sight and not one BMXer but me.

Ask me anything

Why do people believe in things that remain mostly unproven and have done for a very long time. Aliens, Ghosts, Angels, Gods ETC

Mostly because things have happened to them that were enough proof to verify them. The issue with things such as these is that the laws of physics and such can't possibly apply to them in totality because they are not of the physical world. There is no formula for thought. Yet it was thought that beget the formula.

There are many things in this life that you have to believe to see. Many more than vice versa.

Once upon a time a human said that invisible creatures were making us sick.

No one believed them because they believed God made us sick for doing bad things.

Now we know that invisible things do make us sick. Those things were not proven for a very long time but they were believed in.

Ask me anything

Can you think fast?

Did you see that? That was me thinking. Bet you didn't catch that.

Ask me anything

Can men be soothing and loving?

Oh yes very. They can be ridiculously sweet and soothing. Some men are so dear and tender its so wonderful. But they are often taken off the market quickly. Some are very galent and all those wonderful prince charming type things. They need to feel safe to express that type of thing though. That they are not going to be ridiculed for showing these attributes. A mans manliness needed to be protected at all times just as a woman's womanliness needs protecting. A man should always defend women's soft sides and not make them into lesser attributes and women should always defend men's protectiveness. Those are both hardwired into them and need not be diminished as they are both needed. It is the key to know when though. Over protective and over soft is to hard for many people to handle. There is always balance and willingness to find that is important. The less we fear the soft caring parts of life that seem so vulnerable the more we will get along and men are such wonderful creatures with such wonderful qualities when they act from a noble place.

Ask me anything

Are great looks and character enough to suffice and ensure a lifetime relationship?

I don't know what ensures a lifetime relationship. Great looks spark them in some cases, great character lends to longevity and maturity and problem solving skills are very key but I think real true love is the key to the lifetime deal. I think if you can't see yourself wiping that persons ass for them when they are so sick they can't and if you can't see yourself holding hands when they are arthritic and crinkled then you probably wouldn't last a lifetime. If you can't see defending them to your death or kissing them at their worst it's doomed to fail. If you can't live with their faults you can't live with them. You have to be able to put up with their faults. If they are loud and talk a lot if they love to play practical jokes on you. Anything like that... you have to work hard at relationships and pray for guidance from Goddess. But if you mesh ok then its much easier.

I am the type that tends to peoples mental and emotional state rather continuously I can get resentful by accident if people are not equally attentive to mine. Which is hard because I am pretty anal about making sure everyone is happy.

But one thing I know forsure even true love can not endure with out forgiveness.

Ask me anything

Do you like lighting?

I love lightening when it's not striking me.

Ask me anything