Saturday, November 19, 2011

How can one tell whether or not his or her heart is in the right place?

That's easy. There is an honest feeling that overwhelms a good souled intention. It feels like floating and open and like a deep breath of fresh air. When you are doing something good you feel free.

When you are ill intentioned you feel a panic about you. A franticness and a heightened vigilance to reactions to the person you are not treating with purity.

Daily I think to myself stuff like How could someone like Jared know the difference between people who would use him and people who would love him...

Then I think I don't think anyone really totally can.

Then I think stuff like what would I do to prove I would never hurt him or use him or something...

I think the only thing I could do was to walk away and never come back into his life and just love him from afar like so many do send him love and reiki.

But I made a promise. So I can't even do that.

Other than that I think it just comes to tying a rock around their neck and throwing them in the water and see if they float.

Ask me anything

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