Saturday, November 19, 2011

What is something people often have a hard time keeping to themselves or keeping secret?

I don't know. I am the best secret keeper because I couldn't care less about knowing shit that is all secret so I just like as soon as someone says keep this a secret I just say something like dude don't even tell me or if they need to tell me I just sorta faze out cuz secrets are sorta pointless to me. LIke yeah a birthday party whatever but like gossip shit I could care less about to the degree that I mostly like walk away from that shit. Stuff that people don't want people to know about they never tell. They would never tell a soul ever if it was a true secret. Real secrets are because they are too powerful for many unwise humans to know or because they are very bad. Anything of real wonder and true amazement and good in this world should be shared to the enth degree.

But let me see something that people have a hard time keeping to themselves is good news.

Jealous people gossip and spread rumors and lies.

Ask me anything

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