Friday, November 18, 2011

Why do people believe in things that remain mostly unproven and have done for a very long time. Aliens, Ghosts, Angels, Gods ETC

Mostly because things have happened to them that were enough proof to verify them. The issue with things such as these is that the laws of physics and such can't possibly apply to them in totality because they are not of the physical world. There is no formula for thought. Yet it was thought that beget the formula.

There are many things in this life that you have to believe to see. Many more than vice versa.

Once upon a time a human said that invisible creatures were making us sick.

No one believed them because they believed God made us sick for doing bad things.

Now we know that invisible things do make us sick. Those things were not proven for a very long time but they were believed in.

Ask me anything

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