Friday, November 18, 2011

Are great looks and character enough to suffice and ensure a lifetime relationship?

I don't know what ensures a lifetime relationship. Great looks spark them in some cases, great character lends to longevity and maturity and problem solving skills are very key but I think real true love is the key to the lifetime deal. I think if you can't see yourself wiping that persons ass for them when they are so sick they can't and if you can't see yourself holding hands when they are arthritic and crinkled then you probably wouldn't last a lifetime. If you can't see defending them to your death or kissing them at their worst it's doomed to fail. If you can't live with their faults you can't live with them. You have to be able to put up with their faults. If they are loud and talk a lot if they love to play practical jokes on you. Anything like that... you have to work hard at relationships and pray for guidance from Goddess. But if you mesh ok then its much easier.

I am the type that tends to peoples mental and emotional state rather continuously I can get resentful by accident if people are not equally attentive to mine. Which is hard because I am pretty anal about making sure everyone is happy.

But one thing I know forsure even true love can not endure with out forgiveness.

Ask me anything

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