Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Demor Tree of Amorthia and the Door of Enlightenment by Angela McEwen

Once upon a time there was door that was crafted by the Master Maker who was the most powerful Witch in Amorthia. The door was extremely enchanted as it was made from the fallen branches of the Demor Tree which was a powerful tree. The Demor Tree's roots ran right to the core of the earth and therefor the tree itself was invincible to purposeful harm. It's was not an immortal tree though. However it had long life and was well over 10 trillion years old. Though you would not know it. It's branches would shed in wind and rain and it's leaves would fall come autumn. But no woods man's axe could chop it down. No burrowing bugs could penetrate it's bark. No woodland creature could gnaw it down. Only the wisest of the wise could find the tree for it was hidden in a vail of mist and fog in a valley so deep no one dare enter. The Master Maker had long lived in the mists of Demor Valley where the mystic tree had hidden itself instructing and asking the earth around it to form in very specific ways it had artfully crafted itself sanctuary from the world. The master Maker had learned tree speak: it had taken her 300 years to learn the complicated language but it was now like talking in her native tongue. She had sat in the forest day and night. Listening. Only listening. She lived off of dew and berries but barely ate. Only listened. When she finally heard the speak of trees she was a mere 24. Now being 336 she had learned the entire language. The trees in those years lead her to the Demor Tree. Giving her directions as she went. As she had often heard them pray to it as she sat. All trees all over the world point to the Demor Tree with their strongest branch and longest root. As she walked through the mists the fog and air become thicker and riper with must. The smell of moss and old earth filled her nose. She could feel her body being pulled by a force unseen and warm and she could hear a voice of a tree that sounded like no other tree. As the voice got louder and louder she could feel her body morphing. Her skin was toughing to bark and her arms started to rise up; her feet were rooting with each step and her mouth become silent. Her lungs stopped breathing and her whole body eventually froze. Not until she was right beside the Demor Tree did she free completely. Her roots wrapped around the roots of the Demor Tree and they bonded for 20 years. In that time the Demore tree taught her earth majick so powerful that no other force could stop her from the task Demor Tree had for her to do. This was the most important bonding of human and planet ever to occur in a trillion years for it would save the world of the humans. The Demor Tree taught the Master Maker how to craft a door that when passed through by anything: enlightenment would be achieved. But there was a catch. The door must be passed through many times and when it is those that have passed through it would come out the other side as something on this planet other than a human each time until a perspective was given from every point of view. When a perspective of every being on earth had been achieved the last passing would be into that of total oneness and perfection. The other catch is that the door would have to be hidden in a place so safe that only a human could find it. Only the Master Maker could decide where to put the door once she was done crafting it. The Demor Tree shed many of it's dead branches that year and the Master Maker collected them to craft the door. Vigilantly the Master Maker worked at creating this door. It was a sight to behold even in it's unfinished state. It took 50 more years to create it but when it was done it was magnificent. So the Master Maker sat in front of the door and listened to the trees speak to her from all over the planet. They told her the most perfect place to hide the door. So with that she started casting the powerful majick the Demor Tree had taught her while they were root bound together for 20 years Wih that light and air and earth and fire swirled around the door. It was amazing and as it did the door disappeared or so it seemed. The door had been set to the earth in the wind and with the first breath of laughter each human would take in the door. This is where it would set deep into the heart of the laughing child and it was only through sitting in quiet joy with a blissful smile would any human find the door. In this stillness and quiet ecstasy when the Demor Door of Enlightenment  was found the breathe would leave through the smiling human and the door would appear in front of them for them to pass through. It was then that the human would have a choice to walk through it and find enlightenment. Once they had passed through and become a different being they would have to listen to the trees to tell them where to find the door next. The secret to finding the door and if a being did not obey the trees teachings they would never find the door again. and wonder a ghost forever on earth dead. This process was very long but it did have an end. For even the trillion years of the Demor Trees life was a small time in comparison to the earths life and the universe's life in which the earth resided. Many humans have found the Demor Door of Enlightenment the Master Maker made from the Demor Tree's branches and wisely walked through. These souls have passed through the door many, many times. They have watched the earth change through many eyes. These lives do not scare them any longer and each time they pass through the Demor Door they become closer to Enlightenment. Each time they must be reminded to listen to the wisdom of the trees closely or they will not find enlightenment from the Demor Door and wonder as ghosts dead forever. So they must pass through the Door until they are human again. Which considering how many beings are on this planet would take a very long time. Many more trillions of years. Even then those trillions of years will only seem a blink for the indestructible Demor Door is a door to infinite enlightenment. A never ending. Thus it is the job of the trees to enlighten the world. So the Master Maker roams about in a 3000 year old body that looks 24 reminding the animals, bugs, viruses, fish and birds to listen to the tree with pure hearts. For only they have connected us tighter than computers. For only plants have connected the entire earth and every being on it to one another. Only tree's allow us to breathe and smile with blissful ecstasy and quiet joy. So the Demor Tree and the Demor Door of Enlightenment are human's most sacred hope and love and should be revered as God's and Goddess's that will save us from death.

1 comment:

  1. Very good, Ms. McEwen. Aside from the occasional typos, I thoroughly enjoyed your essay. Your direct approach to create the story, though well written, appears to be rather bluntly displayed. It matters not, however, for such trifling matters can easily be corrected. The overall manner in which you write is applause-worthy, as you have obviously poured much hard work into it. I suggest requesting assistance with said essay to transform it's many meandering sentences into sprawling cathedrals of ink, as this would make an excellent fiction novel. Keep up the good work, Angela.

    I hope you'll forgive an honest critic.
