Saturday, March 19, 2011

Mikle a Muckle

Life is more beautifully stunning than words will ever have letters for.


Don't take pictures of Shannon if he doesn't want you to... hims got largeness of the arms that beat things everyday.

No doubt.

Stop killing wolves you dumb shits.

HA! Just HA!

No one hotter.

OK my Maleek is pretty fuckin hot... Paws off the virgin flesh.

I need to lament and sing melancholy songs here.

My poor Sumi is going through hell as her country is devastated by natural and nuclear disaster.

I wanna live here.

Positivity never sounded so fucking true.

More importantly fuck this lovely lady... alot.

That's gotta hurt.

The truth was never so evident.

Yes. True. Nothing worse than stupid sexy.

Go away with your craziness that is your hotness.

No. Cuter than legally allowed.

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