Sunday, February 27, 2011

Epic Breasts and Unicorn Tears

There is no denying the epic nature of these breasts.

Panther Puma whatever you want to call it I call it amazing.

It's how I roll.

Curl up with a good book.

Now my potion will be complete.

Jockin' my style CLEARLY!
So basically lately the only thing out of my mouth is how much I hate life. This is due to the cold weather giving me cabin fever and my lack of sex life since my shoulder operation. I think Haley's comet went by the last time I had any good sex. But other things have been kiboshed since 2007 too. Such as my music and biking. I have really just about given up. And that isn't like me. It really isn't. I try so hard all the time to do the right thing and be a good person and go with the flow. It's been so hard. But the gods of Rock and Roll are smiling on me again. I think they see my fight is all but gone and that I am about willing to hang myself. The only fight I have in me anymore seems to be for other people. I can seem to muster anything for myself anymore. I feel like everytime I have I have been slapped back like I am being greedy for wanting to be able to pay my bills and rent and food all at the same time. Like the holy sacredness of the starving artist is being forsaken. I know I can't roll back time to when I was in a successful band. But I can move forward and create a successful me without all those people that really kibosh my plans. I think I have a plan formulating that the Gods have aligned for me. And I am praying that this will pan out and Goddess will grant me a miracle.

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