Oh talk to someone defiantly. To sit and feel the story they tell and touch them in a hand shake. To sit quiet and examine those features change as the events pass through their lips. I love examining people. I love people one on one. I love groups if I am preforming or speaking but I adore the art of conversation and after a certain number of people that art is lost unless you are with well mannered people which is a rarity. People fascinate me I even fascinate myself. When I see myself reacting in hardwired ways to situations I will stop and think what is making me feel this way or that or whatever sometimes when I try to over ride that it gets worse. But I if got to talk to The Dali Lama or Osho or some guru I would so down in my space. Or a good philosopher. Mostly I like spiritualist tho because they tame vices and adore manners and such. but they can be the ones that will say the most deep cutting things to a person to serve the purpose of making people aware. But man it cuts when they observe you. A Zen master will dive you fucking nuts.
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