This is a hugely complex question that our own world governments have to not perfected the answer to and second I am a total loner. I am not much on society. For the most part society is simply a group conciseness that agrees on certain realities being true to that group. When the common realities vary from group to group often discord is the affect especially when the differing reality agreeances refuse to allow for variation of group reality experiences. And If a variation of the consensus reality appears in the group often the offensive differing reality is shunned and seen as insane. As a whole society groups itself together on geography, looks, and belief of what true reality is to that group. So I couldn't vary well create a society. Societies create themselves through mutual human experiences. Unless I was to say... if you agree to this then we are now a society... otherwise I would be bending the will of humans and brainwashing them to follow me through tactics. Which isn't an agreeance of reality it's a compliance of knowledge.
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