Friday, September 30, 2011
Do you master your emotions or do they master you ?
I don't think it's a game of who masters what I think it's knowing what you are feeling and acting sanely as possible by testing wisdom against it's foes.
Why do people think life experience equals how intelligent you are?
I have no fucking clue because most of the time people make the worst choices ever and learn nothing from them.
Can you describe a time/situation that you have really had to trust your gut?
yeah.I have to remember when it buzzes that is bad.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Should we all be vegans? Are eating animals necessary for our survival and if not are we just murdering poor innocent animals unjustly?
Yes I think we all should be and yes it is unjust murder of innocent. It's the only way to save the planet that and stop driving and using paper and wood products.
Why do so many people believe that the only way to solve problems is with violence?
It's not that they think that is the way to solve it it is just that the anger overwelhms them and they do violent things without thinking. Then there are others who are just a-sholes.
Would you be mad if I were to steal your heart?
You would be taking it away from Jared. So you have to wrestle him for it.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Which dead historical figure would have hated the internet?
I don't know why I think Abraham Lincon would. I know Alexander Gram Bell would have.
Who deserves to be homeless?
Greedy people need a time out. They need to know they are over indulgent. But I don't think they should be homeless no one should be homeless unless they want to be. I think that rich people just need a reality check. People that came from nothing sometimes have this thing where they think they will run out and they over compensate... they need reality checks of what poverty is.
What are your favorite pizza toppings?
I can't eat cheese. But I love it hardcore. So I am vegan and the rare time I have cheese it kills me. Onions, mushrooms, green pepper, tomato.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Have you ever met your look alike?
No but one day a girl in my gr 10 class brought this picture of a model in a mag to school and was like I saw her and I thought it was you... and I looked and I was like holy effing hell. It's me. How did I get there?
If I moved into your brain, would I be in good and healthy living conditions?
Yes. I think so. But you would be kicked out pretty fast cuz Jared Leto lives there.
If you had to carry a self-defence weapon , what would be your choice?
War hammer. Proven to be the most efficient killing tool in hand to hand combat.
What does it mean to forgive?
When the memory doesn't hurt any more usually that's the point when you have reached total forgiveness.
What would you do if you get a flat tire in the middle of a safari among lions and tigers?
Douce myself in stake sauce and pray from a neck kill.
How often do you wear sweat pants?
I fucking love sweat pants. If I could be a fashion maivon in them I would wear them 24 7 but I gots to strut my fine ass about in something sexy/cute so I abort the total track pants uniform once in a while.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
What would you not want to be without?
Shelter food and a comfy warm bed and my mom. I always get so sick inside thinking about when she won't be with me anymore.
Do you feel a sense of accomplishment right now?
Not so much. Just feeling like I have not done anything worth while in forever even though I have.
Are you optimistic about your future?
FOr the most part. I just don't see how I am going to make all the great stuff happen at all. How does one make a person fall in love with them? How does one become a successful singer? How does one spread as much compassion and love as possible? How does one cope with suffering? I don't know the answers to these.
How open and honest do you want people to be with you?
I value honesty above all else but most people think that is a ticket to cruelty and it's not.
How much do you crave adventure?
Positive adventure. Yes. I have had my fair share of adventure and it was not so fun because of the circumstance.
Monday, September 19, 2011
what exactly caused life?
Well Life is a recipe. IT takes a certain about of just everything for life as we know it to exist. And life as we know it doesn't exist anywhere else in the galaxy because no other planet is just where we are. Life in other forms will exist due to just slight differences in the recipe of time.
How often do you give yourself something to look forward to?
Not often enough. I think I don't know how to achieve anymore. I used to be such an achiever. Now I just am sorta. My goals are off lately because I ahve to wait for my injuries and surgeries to heal.
Do you think it is possible to move things with the power of your brain?
Yes. It's very possible. And people have seen me do it and freaked out. Like hardcore.
When do you feel like someone just GETS you?
When conversation is just seamlessly flowing and smiles are had and silence isn't awkward. Timing as well. When people are in sync with one another they get it. When moods can change and no one cares. When someone sinks into your touches.
Who do you think is hotter? Brunettes, Blondes, Redheads?
Hot isn't a hair colour. Hot is a state of being. There are some funky ass looking people out there that are totally hot but wouldn't be thought of as your typical hot.
Friday, September 16, 2011
If you could instantly become an expert at one style of dance, what style would you pick?
Well if I could leap like Barishnakov I don't think I spelled that right but that would be rad to leap like him.
What's the longest you've ever gone without a bath or shower?
I used to camp all summer... so yeah couple weeks.
Have there ever been times in your life where you were not sure how you wanted to be treated? If so, please explain.
No. I have always wanted full love and espect from people. Why would anyone want anything than full love and respect? I have always tried my hardest to be respectful and loving to people. It's what I expect in return.
Does swearing ever calm you down and relieve you from stress?
Yes it does. When used at the right time scientists have found that swearing lowers your blood pressure.
Do you think if we ever were in the same room together the universe would explode?
yes it would into pixie dust and it would be the best boom ever.
How often do "your worries" keep you wake at night? Thoughts?
They don't really... I don't know I think my hopes keep me more awake.
What is the big thing that is presently on your wish list.
Right this minute to be financially stable enough to aford food rent and bills all at the same time without help from friends and family and the system.
What’s something you know you do differently than most people?
I am a really calm person in panic situations. It's after when everything is over and fine I loose it. Like it's finally ok for me to react emotionally and not be the problem solver.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
If you were to create a society how would you go about doing it?
This is a hugely complex question that our own world governments have to not perfected the answer to and second I am a total loner. I am not much on society. For the most part society is simply a group conciseness that agrees on certain realities being true to that group. When the common realities vary from group to group often discord is the affect especially when the differing reality agreeances refuse to allow for variation of group reality experiences. And If a variation of the consensus reality appears in the group often the offensive differing reality is shunned and seen as insane. As a whole society groups itself together on geography, looks, and belief of what true reality is to that group. So I couldn't vary well create a society. Societies create themselves through mutual human experiences. Unless I was to say... if you agree to this then we are now a society... otherwise I would be bending the will of humans and brainwashing them to follow me through tactics. Which isn't an agreeance of reality it's a compliance of knowledge.
Would you agree that as long as there's no outright abuse or neglect it's better for a child to grow up with rich parents who don't love them than poor parents who do?
You never know the wonderful person that can be molded from adversity. Not everyone who is abused and neglected turns into mini Hitlers. It's a persons choice how they create themselves. Even under the worst circumstances good people will only be damaged good people while others will create themselves into assholes. I like to think there are more damaged good people out there than assholes.
Do you run away emotionally when someone gets too close to you?
I don't think so. But I don't think anyone that I would like to get close to wants to actually get close to me. I don't think the people I fall in love with are capable of falling in love with me and I think that is how I keep safe sorta. It just hurts and makes me think I am ugly and not worth loving. Mostly. I demand a lot of intelligence and emotional maturity from people. I can't date mental and emotional midgets. But I can't date people who don't actually want to love me out right and announce it to the world. And those that do... I don't get off on. I don't have any terrible vices, I am good looking and smart and talented super laid back, compassionate and devoted and hardworking and I strive to be wise. It's not too much to ask for someone who can match that and treat me with respect. I like humble people that can stand in a spotlight of their greatness and not have to act like there is need for it nor be ever striving to be in that spotlight rather just to be doing wonderful things and making the world awesome as they can. Spotlights fall on deserving people still. Goodwill and respectable talent is still something people hold in high standings. I think I am off topic. I prize emotional maturity and self respect in myself and others.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
What one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What’s holding you back?
My health holds me back from things. Lack of self confidence and feeling obligated and to some degree lazy.
Do you have faith that one day all terrorism will stop and there will be peace all over world ?
I do. I believe that love is what people really want I believe love is what people really are I think that love drives people to do things that would seem evil to another. I think that love is the only thing we have that will save us all.
How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy?
Because when you experienced it your emotions registered differently than the other person do to the chain of events leading to you both to experience it. Right down to traits that are passed on from ancestors.
What would cause someone to live in fear every single day?
Having your life threatened is a very difficult thing to over come.
When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right?
Always do what you know is right. You know it's right when your light over comes the darkness of your fear of doing it.
What is the difference between being alive and truly living?
Nothing it's arrogance to say that one persons life is more alive than another persons. That the life that one person lived is more important and more worthy of praise. In simplicity there is a quiet soul living with deep respect with the flow of life and joy in the intricate pieces that the boisterous loud lives pass by without ever knowing. They strive for ever bigger and ever more never knowing the joys of quiet the peaceful qualities of solitude and the reverence to subtleties. To those that need to be bombarded with life till they are spent and useless I pity. They will never know the ecstasy of having life gently life your spirits like a feather floating upwards on a warm humid breeze. To those that need to scream they exist and have the world hear it and feel unfulfilled by not having all things bow to their existence for them to feel like they are real, they will never feel whole. They will live life as a constant hole sucking in life from everything around them and will never ever know the wonders of shining like a real star just by loving so deeply the soft whispers of angels that they struggle to even believe exist. They would rather put down the world of giant leaps of faith then risk looking stupid for even a moment. The difference between being alive and truly living is one word. Gratitude.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
What is the riskiest thing you have done?
IDK I scaled the sides of buildings then I was young... I rode BMX down hills standing on the frame doing 40 klicks... did 233 in a porche... swam across lakes... leg pressed 650kgs... live on the streets... saved a man from being murdered... saved a few people from drowning... I don't know. You pick.
Is everything in human life about money or are there other things ruling human behavior? If so, what are they? Who rules?
Money doesn't even really exist. It's a big game a bunch of children pretended was real and now it's out of control. Cuz really? They break a rock off a mountain and say pay me for it. They run water into a house that is sitting beside a lake and say pay me for it. They grow food that if we had not stopped teaching each other how to do and hunt for we could have as much as we needed and they say pay me. They want paper. They cut down a tree and give you wood for paper. Do you see? It's not sane. We put the power behind money... not the other way around. Without insane human behaviour the concept of money is wasted on every other living and non living thing on the planet. What does a wolf need with money? Was does the half dead Somalian need with a check? What is that paper going to do for them? Give them life? Make their life easier? Do you think a half dead junkie can in the throws of an overdoes is thinking if I only had money I would live through this? Look around you at all the stuff you traded you life for. You traded your life for that TV. You traded your life for this computer. You worked at a job you didn't like so you could ask me is it worth it. No it's not. To ask me if everything is about it. No it's not. Money isn't gonna save your soul, the planet or stop death. It's a game humanity plays and the only rule is have some. And very few people care how they get it.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
If you could attend any concert, what would it be?
Well any 30 Seconds to Mars Concert but for a band I have never seen that would be Red Hot Chilli Peppers hands down. I wanna see them so bad. WITH JOHN!
What was the weirdest gift you ever received?
Camera binoculars... thats freaky ass. I have never used them. They are cheap crap.
If you could instantly become fluent in another language, which language would you pick?
Japanese so I could build any book shelf ever made.
What's the worst show on TV?
Stuff like Jersey Shore Big Brother that kinda shit Bachelor. Like really what the fuck why would any one waste life on that shit?
What music are you listening to today?
30 Seconds to Mars is playing right now and it just switched too... Black Light Dinner Party- Small Boxes... but you can assume that at any given time 30 Seconds to Mars will be playing.
What's one food you'll never eat again?
I will probably never knowingly eat eggs again. God even saying the word makes me want to vomit. They are so fucking gross. Fried fucking snot. A huge ovarie from a chickens ass? The largest single cell. What the fuck were we ever thinking when we first started eating them. Jesus. Effing. Christ.
Do you believe in angels?
I don't believe in them I know them personally. I talk to them en nausium.
When was the last time you received flowers?
I have been given flowers 2 times in my life. Once was this boy Chris in my acting class when they were selling carnations around the school he bought me one and I was like like wow that was completely unexpected and my mom's best friend Clare who died on July 4th last year and I miss her.
Would you rather work at a large company or a small one?
I wouldn't wanna work at a company. I have lived in destitution most of my life vigorously avoiding working for another human much less a whole company big or small.
If your house was on fire and you could only grab three things, what would they be?
My cats, my stuffed leopard Cleo.
Do you believe there's intelligent life on other planets?
Well there isn't any here so there has to be somewhere I guess.
Do you believe in luck?
Yes. I need more of it. You wouldn't know I was part Irish from looking back over some of my life.
If you had to give up one favorite food, what would the most difficult?
Giving up foods I love is what I have done my whole life. I love meat dairy and all that shit. But I am vegan.... so no go. There are more important things in life than me eating my favorite foods. Like animal rights and ending global warming.
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
When I was young before I ever took acting and singing classes I wanted to be a paramedic.
If you could be a star athlete in any sport, which sport would you pick?
It would be pretty bad ass to be a champion archer. Remember the archer who lit the Olympic flame? That was badass.
whats your youngest childhood memorie?
Laying on the change table watching my mother snap up my little outfit after coming home from the hospital.
Do you remember where you were when 9/11 happened?
Volunteering at the thrift shop watching it on the TV.
When do you prefer to be left alone?
Most of the time. People talk incessantly. They just yammer on and on about fucking nothing. There is a fine art to conversation and most people have not mastered it. Contrary wise some morons just sit there dumb and then when they do speak its only answering. Finding someone or a group fo people that are good conversationalists is hard. Otherwise you are just better to be alone.
If someone stares at you, what is your reaction?
That depends. For the most part I don't give a shit.
What have you never done in life, but would like to do?
Have a hit Record, be the voice in a hit Cartoon, Fly a helicopter, learn to play the harp, see the world, become enlightened, partner up with Jared Leto and screw non stop till my vag is a meatball. Be a ninja.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Do u know why love is "blind"?
Because love isn't not judgmental. Humans are and when humans let go of their humanity and fall into a state of love the stop being assholes for two mintues.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
How do we maintain a positive perspective when bad things happen?
Remember that balance is always inherant in everything. That sometimes some of the best things in life happen from the worlst possible scenarios. And that all things are temporary and we become desensitized to things almost immidiatly after they happen. It's only our twisted will to hold on to pain that makes us replay memories that only exist in our head. We literally pretend that memories are real life and real when we think them.
If Darwinist Myth is so irrefutable why is it still called a theory?
It's only called a myth to people who don't believe in it.
What's your favorite saying?
It's my grandmother's old saying "Lord love a duck." It's an alternative to swearing.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Who's the smartest person you know?
I never get to meet people with a simalar IQ as me or better to peer around with I sometimes feel really dumbed down and like I don't have anyone who ever wants to try and keep up with the paces I keep and I loose motivation. So I don't know. I don't mind really smart people but I hate that whole bullshit way smart people carry themselves in convos when they are having a superiority complex attack. If you are smart... you talk to that everyone understands. Not over peoples head so that they all are left behind in conversations feeling worthless. So I don't know... I really don't,
Who inspires you the most?
So few people give me that get up and do something feeling. I usually am my own inspiration. But since I met Jared Leto my life has made me feel like I have done nothing and I have done a fair bit in my life. He makes me want to inspire him which makes me want to do things that make him want to do things that are inspiring. I want to feed that. I want that circle with him of I shall inspire you and you shall inspire me. So far I think I am doing ok.He is doing a much better job than me. But hey if I can do something radical I will. Just got to get this surgery out of the way in Oct and I will start to run it like a bozz.
Do you mind if I tattoo my name on your butt?
Please do. Just let me finish my massive bowl of baked beans and we will get right on that.
Have you ever met anyone with the same Birthday as you?
Yes I have many cosmic twins. I even have twin cosmic twins.
Is it possible to know what is going in another person’s heart.............?
Yes. Very much. Hearts speak louder than mouths.
Are you a nurturing person?
Yes I love taking care of people and being taken care of. I love making sure that emotional states are stable and hopeful if not wonderfully happy on top of that.
Do you agree that all students should spend a year working before they go to university?
I think that people should do whatever the hell they want and I don't care what it is as long as it's wonderful, peaceful and brings other than human life back into this world.
Has your weather changed to Autumn yet?(Sept 3, 2011)
No not really it's shorter days though. It was hot as fuck and humid like crazy here today.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Should it be considered a crime (i.e., murder) when a home owner kills an intruder?
If you study even an iota of law that is considered self defense.
When it comes to money, are you a spender or a saver?
Spender. I don't have any to save it all gets spent on food and bills. I literally make 1053 a month and 890 of that goes to rent. I live so far below the poverty line if it wasn't for my fam and good friends and help from the system... I would be on the streets.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
What YouTube video made you laugh recently?
Jared Leto in Alaska. I just get happy and giggle when I am watching him because he makes me giddy.
If you had your own talk show, who would your first three guests be?
Jared Leto Shannon Leto Tomo Milicevic.
What do you NOT want to hear in your home?
Bad music, judgmental conversations and gossip, screaming children.