Sunday, August 21, 2011

What do you find most attractive when it comes to looking for a partner?

Artistic. Athletic. Musical. Compassionate. High Standards and lofty goals. Philanthropic. Sexy hands. Leader who questions authority. Intense talent and aiming for high achievement. High I.Q. yet not socially inept. Knows good behavior but can turn it off and on at the right time. Drop dead gorgeous. Anyone one who says they don't want a drop dead gorgeous partner is full on lying at all times. Now what they think is drop dead gorgeous is up to them but you know everyone wants epitome of that ideal they have. Getting someone to admit they have a looks requirement is like pulling teeth no one wants to seem vain or sound hurtful to people. I don't think it's vain to want to have to scrap my jaw off the floor in astonishment of the beauty of my true love every time I look at them. However I have slowly watched gorgeous people look hideous to me due to their attitudes. So yes I do look for inner wonderful qualities first so that won't ever happen.

Ask me anything

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