Saturday, August 20, 2011

If you could have the starring role in one movie what would it be?

Wow I never thought about this. LOL. How come I don't think of stuff like this... ok. It would have to be a like a majickal thing where like a kung fu monk and like a crazy ass pixie elven witch mage are battling to save the world from a secret evil society of vampires. I would be this old elven witch who was like 4000 years old and in this crazy ugly glamor and I have this crush on the kung fu monk but he doesn't like me because I'm all ugly wait I think I am just making shrek cooler... here. LOL Never mind. I would much rather have someone come up to me who was like a really awesome well known movie maker and say OMG you are perfect for this part as the lead in blah. Because I would be like all nerded out in kung fu movies and majick movies and vampire movies and stupid stupid comedies if I had my way.

Ask me anything

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