Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What do you think of men wearing makeup?And colored hair?I like it!It's great!Everybody can use a little help looking their best, and getting creative with it!?It really bothers me only when their make-up or hair looks better than mine!What's your opinion

I am all for it. I prefer men of that nature. I don't date much outside of the queer community. Bisexual pretty modelesque men are my bag as far as men go, I am spoiled I admit it dipped my hand in the pretty too many times to turn back... Little bit gothy little bit punky little bit clean cut little bit "skater" little bit art fag. But not like crazy pussy asses. Like some of the girliest boys I know are tough as shit. I am not down with wimps for dating. But I will defend my sissy boys to the enth. I love them. Just not to date. Straight is a turn off. you have to be some kinda amazing mother fucking straight dude for me to get wet for you.

Ask me anything

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