Sunday, May 29, 2011

Ask me anything

What is the best movie you've seen this month?

I have watched three movies this month... that's usually low. One of them I have seen many times. X men. I fucking love X men comics. I love love love love love Ian McKellen? Is that how you spell his last name? His acting makes me want to bless babies at alters in his name.

Ask me anything

Summer Fun For Dudes

50 EUR -

Horace black tee
45 GBP -

Cuffed jeans
85 GBP -

Animal backpack
$20 -

Black strap watch
110 GBP -

G by Guess bangle bracelet
$20 -

Pin brooch
10 GBP -

Paul Smith bucket hat
40 GBP -

Ask me anything

Do you live more in the past or the present?

I really live in my past a lot. It's a bad habit but I think many people do.

Ask me anything

Saturday, May 28, 2011

What's your favorite season, and would you live all year in that season if you could?

spring and fall. yes.

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

“Describe some personal habits that are important to you.”

oral hygiene is like a huge things with me. Hygiene in general.

Ask me anything

If you could stay any age for the rest of your life, what age would it be?


Ask me anything

Can you name something that was made "Just for you"

Kids drawings.

Ask me anything

Which sound makes you feel calm ?


Ask me anything

What are somethings you can never find when you need it.......?

That rarely happens to me. I live alone and I am organized.

Ask me anything

What takes time to build but easy to ruin......?

the planet.

Ask me anything

What every man should know how to do.......?

lick pussy and open jars and hold a full on amazing conversation and make me laugh.

Ask me anything

What is the best movie you've seen this month?

I didn't like Clare Dane's new movie... I felt bad. I wanted to like it I think she is awesome. Me and Orson Wells.

Ask me anything

How would you react to a gift you do not like....?

Accept it and keep it. Who cares if you don't like it. What's the big deal in not liking something?

Ask me anything

Name something you pass around........?

the counch.

Ask me anything

What do you carry around in your pockets ?

Crystals a lot of stones and crystals.

Ask me anything

Do you ever feel that being in love ain't for you?

No. Being in love is so easy it's not even funny. Being in a relationship with the person you are in love with is the hard part. I have been lone for so long I don't know if I know how to do a relationship. But In love yeah... I know how to do the in love.

Ask me anything

What comes to your mind when i say Mcdonald's?


Ask me anything

What is your most wild dream?

Any of my flying dreams are wild. I think my first nightmare was pretty crazy.

Ask me anything

Is it really weird to fall in love with one of your contacts..?

No. Falling in love is wonderful. Unless you mean contact lenses.

Ask me anything

Have you ever dream in a dream.......?

yes I have dreamed I was asleep and knew I was sleeping and dreaming in a dream.

Ask me anything

If you were cooking dinner to impress.....what would you prepare?

Vegan Eggplant Parmesan

Ask me anything

what is something about you that makes you different from the rest?

Nothing. Everything.

Ask me anything

How do I stop having stupid thoughts?

Just sit and don't focus on your thinking.

Ask me anything

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ask me anything

“Describe your ideal man/woman”

One who loves me and doesn't snore and is healthy smart as hell talented as fuck loyal trustworthy drop dead gorgeous with a nice body hard working knows how to have great sex absolutely hysterical goes for it at all cost.

Ask me anything

Who inspires you the most?

I do.

Ask me anything

What is in the space between you and me?

There is none.

Ask me anything

Have you ever milked anything?

Just life.

Ask me anything

How to live life to the fullest?

Don't hold back anything.

Ask me anything

How are you feeling?

I am good how are you. Little sick but that is about it. been talking too deep about crap so little glum about stuff but other than that nothing I can't handle.

Ask me anything

Are there natural ways to stop anxiety?

Yes. Learn what makes you anxious and face the fear. But an anxiety attack is an unstoppable full body reaction to real or precieved stimuli the key is not to over react understand it will stop and just let it happen once it starts. Trying to stop it makes it worse.

Ask me anything

Do you think infidelity is ever forgivable?

I haven't stayed with an infidel yet. Monogamy is monogamy if your in an actually relationship be in it if your not then just date casually. Every relationship has rules of conduct. What ever those are abide by them.

Ask me anything

You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?

Being born. ;)

Ask me anything

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ask me anything

What is the nature of the universe?Where does it come from?Of what is it made?How did it come to exist?What is its purpose? By what process does it change?Does it function by itself or would it degenerate to chaos without some kind of intelligent control?

please give me a break.

Ask me anything

Are psychiatrists happy?

Not when they are at work I tell you that much.

Ask me anything

Is life all about, Good Timing?


Ask me anything

Can you ride your bike with no handlebars?

I can stand on my bike and surf it down hills doing 40 km or more.

Ask me anything

What do you view as a sad way to live?

Trapped in a cage.

Ask me anything

Who shall be your leaders?!?

No one. I walk alone.

Ask me anything

What would make you feel sexy.......?

If I lost about 40 pounds of fat and got braces.

Ask me anything

What is something in life is just not fair........?

Most of life isn't fair but it is balanced. Everything that happens happens for a reason. And not in some galactic cosmic divine reason but because cause and effect work that was the reason could be bullshit from nowhere but the effect is monumental.

Ask me anything

Thursday, May 19, 2011

If you could have only one kind of cuisine (american, french, chinese, etc..) for the rest of your life, what would it be?


Ask me anything

Have you ever done something silly that you wish you had not done?

Yeah gotten too shy around Jared.

Ask me anything

Can ghosts move things?

They can yes.

Ask me anything

What do you think happens to your soul when you die?‎

I will find out when I die.

Ask me anything

Ever get really mad and want to throw something at someone?

No actually I really have not.

Ask me anything

Have you ever thrown a drink in someone's face?


Ask me anything

What is your definition of "experiencing life"?

I don't know I am very cerebral about my experiences as of late.

Ask me anything

What's your favorite kind of tea?

Earl Grey and monks blend.

Ask me anything

What are your thoughts?

Wouldn't it be nice to be in a romantic relationship with Jared Leto?

Ask me anything

What things do you do to stay healthy?

Walk tai chi swim veganism stretching bike riding.

Ask me anything

Have you ever let power get to your head?

When I was younger of course I dabbled in what the effects of power were. But I very quickly realized power isn't something any wise person wants.

Ask me anything

How do you get past years of punishing yourself in your mind?

Insecurities are total bullshit. I just figured out how they play out in my everyday life. They are just like emotions but with specifics. And they pass. They are bogus and just a pack of lies total lies.I read this one passage the other day about insecurities. How the woman put it was so intense and pure that I understood what insecurities were in such a different way than I had ever seen them before. To the point that I no longer worry about who I am. I barely did in the first place but now I feel like I am free. All you do is remember that just like everything thoughts and emotions insecurities are nothing. They are figments. Purely for your Sadistic enjoyment. So recognize them when they arise and give them no power. Realize it's a passing thing that was instilled by this illusory world.

Ask me anything

How do you tell your boyfriend what's bothering you?

It takes me a lot of time to really get to the point that I can tell whats the crux of my problem when I get to that point then I can tell them what is the matter. Otherwise I just am very quiet trying to figure stuff out. If it is between him and I: I give it some time to let the emotional stuff drain out and the insecurities that have come into place and are draining my soul. I mostly just start talking after that. I don't say we need to talk or lets talk or something. I just talk and give it an air of importance to me. I have over my life really learned to down play really big issues accidentally just through really not understanding the importance it has to my mental health. Sometimes I just don't feel like figuring stuff out too cuz it can get really complex. Sometimes I don't even know why I am upset. I get really bad hormonal shifts monthly that make me really expressive. If you will. Sometimes I just have to spend that time alone or I will end up hurting my relationship. And I hate getting it blamed on PMS because its more like the PMS gives me this drive to get shit I have been working through off my chest. I don't really understand it when guys listen to me though. Just recently a friend of mine said to me after I started realizing I was about to rant on environmentalism again to feel free to continue. I have so much to say all the time I rarely feel like anyone actually wants to hear what I have to say. Even if it means I will get really sad.

Ask me anything

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What ice cream flavor describes your personality the best?

Iced Soy product.

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

Did you ever throw something in the garbage and have to dig through it?

Yes. Ew.

Ask me anything

Can you hate someone, but then grow to love them?

That is the hope of world peace in a nut shell.

Ask me anything

What happens when the earth turn 30 times faster?

Centrifugal and centripetal force will create different fields within the four known forces of the universe to act upon the earth 30 times differently than it did before LOL. Legit.

Ask me anything

What are the four different desires of typology?

The desires of symbolism would be to keep secret yet express exact concept to those who know the meaning, to accurately express meaning of complex or simple concepts, to derive a lasting historical knowledge through written "word", to empower, invoke and evoke gifts.

Ask me anything

Are all mammals born on land?

No. There are a few sea dwelling mammals. Whales, Dolphins and the like.

Ask me anything

Is it mandatory to acknowledge something of incumbent nature so seriously?

When someone is relying too heavily upon you for something the best thing to do is fall back on the old proverb: Give a man a fish he eats for a day teach a man to fish he eats for the rest of his life. We are all beholden to each others needs. But when people are always asking and never telling. Or Taking and never giving. Or need to be asked to help and not offering it up as a token of what should be done... then it is mandatory to acknowledge the incumbent nature of the situation.

Ask me anything

What is the one thing in your life u struggle the most with?

Succeeding. I always feel like a failure even when I have done really well and been successful.

Ask me anything

How do you say goodbye to people when they are not wanted in life?

Ween off them politely. Most people understand body languages and subtle hints. The issue is always trying to accommodate hurt feelings. Those pass and if you do it right they are not very hurt at all.

Ask me anything

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ask me anything

Which animal most resembles your personality?


Ask me anything

What activity takes up most of your time?

Finding websites about the environment and animals right and holistic health for Echelon Hospital.

Ask me anything

Does anyone have the gift of Telepathy?

Yes they just don't know that they are using it all the time how to to sense when they do use it. And it strengthens exponentially when your sacral and 3rd eye chakra open. Why do you ask?

Ask me anything

What are somethings i can do when bored?

masturbate write poetry surf the web.

Ask me anything

Ever felt alone in a crowded room?

I am always alone in a crowded room. There is no one like me in the world.

Ask me anything

What is something that makes no sense ?

eating making you fat.

Ask me anything

Have you ever eaten a food that was so hot & spicy that you lost all feeling in your tongue ?


Ask me anything

What are somethings you do when you're nervous.......?

I don't get nervous. Except I get quiet around Jared. Because I have a really over the top personality and I didn't want to make an ass of myself.

Ask me anything

What comes up when you Google your name?

It used to be a whole huge gammit of pictures and interviews but now I think that is gone.

Ask me anything

Are you afraid to be alone in life......?

No. Not at all. I don't care if I am with someone or not. It doesn't make me feel like I am worthless or lonely. I could care less.

Ask me anything

If you made a huge mistake, who in your life would forgive you, and give you a fresh start?

Maleek. All the time. My mom.

Ask me anything

What do you like girls(guys) to do with you when flirting?

Just be really natural. Make it known they like me with natural body language. Make themselves available to me outside of groups and at later dates give me their numbers. Everyone gets nervous. Most of the time if I am in a club or something as soon as I walk in there is someone with whom I have made instant eye contact with and will end up talking too.

Ask me anything

Describe what you look like.

5'9" 3/4, teal eyes, short platinum hair, vertical lip and labret piercings, septum piercing, stretched ears, tattoos on my left arm and back, dressed to kill, nice hands and feet, shaved body, pearly white teeth that are fashionably imperfect, cute smile, nice pale skin.

Ask me anything

Have u ever had a loved one walk out ur life, without turning around and explaining why?

Yeah. It doesn't even bother me anymore. It's just so been there done that have a nice life.

Ask me anything

Have u ever feel in love but is confused between love or lust?

Yeah I have been in love and I have been in lust. Being in love is much more fun.

Ask me anything

What did you do today?

Had brunch with the rents.

Ask me anything

Who is anti fun?


Ask me anything

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ask me anything

Which relationship appeals to you more, a wild passionate one, or a quiet calm one.

somewhere between those.

Ask me anything

What is the one thing you have ever done which you never ever want to be caught doing?

Your mom.

Ask me anything

What is the wildest thing you have ever done in your life so far?¨

I like to cliff jump. I don't think anything is really all that wild if you have been in BMX long enough you get kinda numb to stupid and wild shit.

Ask me anything

What was one lie you told someone?

I am not a liar.

Ask me anything

What are your worst habits?

Being alone for too long on the computer.

Ask me anything

What do you enjoy in your spare time?

Writing music singing doing tai chi masturbating hiking. I used to BMX but I am retired now but I like a good bike ride.

Ask me anything

Have u ever loved the ones u couldn't fully have?

Jared Leto.

Ask me anything

Have u ever held onto secrets that you know it would hurt the other people if they find out the truth, about that one thing?

Can't think of anything so secretive that it would hurt anyone. I don't do things that hurt people behind their back. People could find out my every move and not one thing would be worth hiding for fear of anyone getting hurt. It's just not how I roll.

Ask me anything

Have u ever been so mad at the world and ur past?

If I had not been I wouldn't be human.

Ask me anything

Have u ever got so close to someone in a relationship, realizing that it wouldn't last?

No. I don't do relationships unless I know I want to be with that person.

Ask me anything

What can a person do to be happy?

Jared Leto.

Ask me anything

What to do when someone doesn't believe you?

Unless my life depends on it I couldn't give a shit.

Ask me anything

Why is something as simple as getting on a treadmill so HARD sometimes?

I wouldn't know I have never had any problem motivating myself to stay in shape.

Ask me anything

How are teachers supposed to act professional?

I wouldn't fuckin' know dude. Not fuck their students?

Ask me anything

What do you think of men wearing makeup?And colored hair?I like it!It's great!Everybody can use a little help looking their best, and getting creative with it!?It really bothers me only when their make-up or hair looks better than mine!What's your opinion

I am all for it. I prefer men of that nature. I don't date much outside of the queer community. Bisexual pretty modelesque men are my bag as far as men go, I am spoiled I admit it dipped my hand in the pretty too many times to turn back... Little bit gothy little bit punky little bit clean cut little bit "skater" little bit art fag. But not like crazy pussy asses. Like some of the girliest boys I know are tough as shit. I am not down with wimps for dating. But I will defend my sissy boys to the enth. I love them. Just not to date. Straight is a turn off. you have to be some kinda amazing mother fucking straight dude for me to get wet for you.

Ask me anything

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Unicorns and Squidlings

Metal top
32 GBP -

Graphic tee
$23 -

Isabel Marant lace up jeans
$440 -

Vans sneaker
$37 -

Disney handbag
$8.50 -

Retro jewelry
$100 -

Body jewelry
$18 -

14 GBP -

Dorothy Perkins purple jewelry
9.50 GBP -

Wet Seal feather jewelry
$5 -

Rubber jewelry

Crystal sunglass
$135 -

Neff purple beanie hat
$18 -