Friday, November 25, 2011

That's fucking disgusting. Those ass holes better be in solitary confinement, and you better visit them every day to make sure theyre lives are miserable

No they are out now. They threatened to kill me too and had biker gangs after me. Hand shot guns to peoples heads and so forth. IT was a very life altering and damaging event. It destroyed my life pretty much. I have very bad war level simple and complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from it.

And I don't ever want to look at those men ever again for the rest of my life. I hope they changed. Because ever dream and hope I had died with that event. I am trying to rebuild still to this day and it was quite a few years ago now.

Ask me anything

no plzzz dont block me ive been blocked by 6 people now, my acct is getting deactivated in 2 days unless you unblock me. PLZ I BEG YOU. and i am not a poor excuse for life plz dont say that

So you are saying I should have compassion on you when you didn't have compassion on me and felt the need to lower yourself to such a disgusting level that people don't want to be around you? Let me ask you a question. Why do you hate yourself so much that you wouldn't want to make friends by being a wonderful courageous soul who fights for peoples rights and hopes for their dreams to come true?

Ask me anything

Was that story just to scare him, or true?

It was true.

Ask me anything

If you won a million dollars what would you do with it?

Buy a little house invest some and then give tons to charities.

Ask me anything

Who do you think should be the next president of the United States?

Ellen Degeneres

Ask me anything

What was your worst travel experience?

hmmmm Anything to do with BMX BMXers are fucking morons and work really hard to make stupid things happen so they have retarded stories to tell people. So you end up having the worst time ever because everyone is acting like twats and fucking up everyone's good time.

Ask me anything

What's your favorite drink?

I think it's Aloe Vera Juice. That shit is awesome.

Ask me anything