Only by my internet wife Nicole for being Jared Leto's wife. I am thinking of becoming Mormon.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
What's the rudest / craziest thing you've experienced?
A friend of a friend of mine was constantly touching me once and I was asking him to stop and he wouldn't and he was progressively getting more inappropriate. So I grabs his jugular vain. Not his neck like literally I grabbed his jugular vain with my hand like I was about to rip it out which I would have if my friend hadn't of stop me. My friend was upset with me that I would act like that and I stared at her like WTF? You watched me trying to escape your mentally retarded drugged out of his drunk ass mind friend who has been grabbing my ass tits and pussy for 30 minutes not and your pissed at me for threatening to remove his jugular if he touched spoke or looked at me one more time in the entire of his life breathing on earth. Fuck it there are hot lesbians in jail. ;)
How can act more comfortable and less shy ?
Shy can tend to be about you. Like you need to feel a certain way. Stop worrying about yourself and how you are going to feel talking to people.
If you were a vampire.Who would you bite so they could live forever with you?
My mom. Nicole. Maleek. Linda. Shan. Amy. Alfred. My cats Mo and Lulu and of course Jared Leto.
Who is someone who is independent?
No one. everyone is either dependent co dependent or interdependent. You would have to live in a forest by yourself with no one and no animals to be independent. And yes I am a very literal person for the most part.
Most expensive thing you've bought for yourself that was probably not best idea!
Yeah I don't buy expensive things. I live about as far below the poverty line in Canada as you can get without being homeless.
If nobody would dance with you would you dance by yourself?
That's all I have ever done my ENTIRE life.
What's the Most Awkward Moment You've Had?
I know awkward moments happen and stuff and I feel them happening and see them happening but when they are happening I could care less that they are. I don't even know what would embarrass me any more.
What's something that is very popular today, that you HATE?
Lady Gaga. She is so fucking stupid it blows my mind. But I am stoked she pushes gay rights. Other than that I would like all Gaga crap to stop.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
If you had to sort something out in the morning that could not wait and it made you late for work what excuse would you give?
That I had some shit to sort out and it made me late. Cope or fire me.
Isn't it funny that some girls have more balls than boys?
Not in a ha ha way. But yes I know some huge pussies.
What was your best high school experience?
Standing on stage and having one girl in the crowd after a performance stand up to personally compliment me during a q&a and sitting with my highschool bff on a stony beach on a school trip looking at the stars in the milky way.
Favorite genre of music & why?
Classical. Because it's actually good and you can't say anything bad about music that has stood the test of hundreds of years.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
if someone you love keeps getting irritable with you what would you do?
Tell them their behavior is unacceptable and either change our I am out till they do.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Apart from formspring,on computer or connecting by phone, what else are you doing at the moment?
breathing through my mouth and drooling.
What's the WORST piece of advice you can give to a friend who just had his heart broken?
Get a good sturdy rope and end it.
What have you planned to accomplish today?
I cleaned the whole apartment and did laundry. Imma good girl.
have you seen 'Salt' with Angelinie Jolie -what did you think of it on a scale from one to ten?
It is a very colourless movie half point doc for that. It's got no scenery in it half point for that. It isn't something I would watch over twice half point for that. Music wasn't fantastic half point for that. There were a few unbelievable scenes in the acting half point. 7 half stars.
what's the best thing that happened to day for you??
I cleaned my tub and I have wanted to do that forever.
Ever had a secret crush?
Fuck no I could never secretly love someone. I want the person I love to know it through and through.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Do you believe in coincidence or do things happen for a reason?
There is only cause and effect and law of attraction.
What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
Date Jared Leto, be a well respected talented musician and achieve total enlightenment and save the planet from utter fucked up shit.
Why would you take a risk?
For love. That's the only reason I would risk anything. Not for any other reason. I really don't care about money. Maybe I should. I don't give a shit about fame though I think it would help me make the world a better place it wouldn't help how I cope in the world.
What is it about you that makes you interesting?
That I am just little ol me being little ol awesome.
How long should you date someone before getting engaged?
I think you really need to weigh the time period by the people. Sometimes commitment changes people a great deal.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Have you ever bought a successful lottery ticket?
Not a hardcore money winner but I got 100 bucks once.
Do you like to cook? If so what is your fave dish to cook?
I love cooking but sometimes I get really unmotivated.
When's the last time you were hyper?
Last night I got like SORTA hyper but nothing close to what I can get.
Do you get jealous easily?
Not if the person is acting appropriate in a relationship. If people are talking and hanging out and being friendly I don't care even a really personal compliment I don't mind but when the tables turn or shift too much from good conduct and friendly behavior to excluding me when I am the person in the relationship with you. Then yes. I get very hurt in a jealous way.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
what songs would your ultimate playlist be made up of
Yeah this list would be epic. INSANE. Everyday I find music that blows my mind.
Do you think people have 2 sides to their personality?
Some people are very even keeled some are very emotional and their emotions can seem like they are very different people. But two different personalities... yeah I think I have a really insanely calm mellow side and then this just insane side that really really gets way the fuck out of hand. Hyper beyond understanding invincible.
Do you ever feel like you haven't been given a real chance in life ...
Yes. I feel like I have not been given a chance and that when opportunities came along I didn't know what they were or how to grab them or I felt responsible to something that wasn't my dreams.
Monday, June 13, 2011
What are some of the things you find difficult to do......?
Wake in the morning to face another day alone in pain.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Why do people associate the heart with love and emotions?
Because when you are feeling love you feel it in your chest.
What's your favourite book?
Alice in Wonderland. It's the first book I was ever given as a child and I have seen the movie a zillion times in every remake. Fave remake Jan Svankmir. I am trying to get my sleeve of alice in wonderland finished but I is po.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
What blood components can be viewed on a stained smear?
white and red blood cells I guess. plasma is clear without red blood cells.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
What items do you always carry with you, no matter what?
My vagina. When every I leave home without it I always end up needing it.
Why is it that no matter what color to use bubble bath, bubbles are always white?
because the oils they use make rainbows and light reflecting off of the rainbow is white.
Why do people chase after things that aren't important?
The importance of something is relevant to the person... this is Einstein stuff.
How can I get over my emotional problems ?
Remember that emotions, thoughts and insecurities are all just temporary figments of life.
Do you believe this - One opportunity can change your life !?
Yes I do. Just like one screw up can change your life one wonderful opertunity can send you into a whole knew world of wonderful.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
If you were given the money to start a new business, what business would you open?
I would tour around in an electric car from city to city giving reiki treatments and singing to people every night. That is what I want to do. Sing and give reiki to people. Make a ton of money and give it to animal and environmental groups.
Is being a beautiful woman/man a blessing or a curse?
There is always good and bad that go with everything in life.
If a star with 100 solar masses collapses in on itself does it create a neutron star or a black hole?
A black hole. There is a very specific condition that a star requires to implode and create a neutron star. To create a neutron star the imploding star needs to be just the right size no bigger than 1.5 solar masses and less the 5 times the mass of the our sun. Anything bigger than that creates the black hole phenomena. Which I theorize has an end point. Assuming that super massive black holes have the core mass of 1 billion solar masses there has to be an end point of hte solar masses it can reach before the phenomena itself beings the only thing that exists thus it can not suck in existing matter.
What does OK actually mean?
It is a military term O.K. is short for ZERO KILL. It means ZERO MEN in your platoon were killed that day and the soldiers would ask: IS EVERYTHING O.K.?
Saturday, June 4, 2011
I wanna lose my belly fat in a week for a swimming pool date got any ideas?
Be self confidant and stop worrying.
If you could choose one book to take with you on a deserted island, which would it be?
How to Survive on a Deserted Island: The Users Handbook.
Do you ever just feel broken and like all of your confidence has been shot?
I feel broken all the time but I am confidant I can keep going in this state. Even if I don't wanna.